Monday, February 28, 2011

Local Beer Local Band, March 3

WKNC & TNN Present: Troubel, The Charming Youngsters, & Wind & Willow! As always the show is FREE, 21 and up, and starts at 10 p.m.!!  The cheeseburgers are cheap and so are the local brews on tap.  Come get heavy with us!  YAY!

"That’s right, Troubel. I interviewed Adam a couple of weeks back, and if you missed out, here’s a little background information to fill you in. Adam has been creating music for the better part of his life, though is probably most well known for his participation in the group “Carolina Roadkill,” an eclectic assortment of instruments and amazing people that make folk fun. This summer Adam had the chance to develop his own tastes further through his new one man group, named Troubel, out in Boone. Using the mountains as his inspiration, an album was born, which is due to come out December 7. Full of banjo and guitar, happy yet powerful lyrics “The Mountains. The Broken.” is a side that I hadn’t seen in Adam before. Though we discussed the challenges of working alone, it appears that it has allowed him to branch out and create something different and refreshing, something we can all appreciate."  -Will Lampe - 88.1 WKNC DJ

I met Nolan from The Charming Youngsters at the Tipsy Teapot. They had this to say about themselves... "Hey. Remember that movie Bill and Ted, when Bill and Ted travel to the future and they find out their garage band has become, like, the official band of the country and that their music brings, like, peace and happiness to all who live. Yeah... that's going to be us." - The Charming Youngsters

"Wind and Willow,” or Mark Tillman and Sarah Peters are getting married this month, a fact that is hard not to see when they’re performing live. While boy/girl duos are nothing new, “Wind and Willow” has a story that’s pretty unique. Divided by two countries, it’s only been within the past few months that Sarah could move to Raleigh. Since then the duo has been able to really develop a mature sound, with each member contributing a vital, but incomplete part without the other. Sarah’s powerful voice can give a song its intensity at times, and it’s sweetness in others. Mark’s impressive assortment of instruments gives each song it’s unique character that Mark exhibits himself, both on and offstage. Both”Wind and Willow” as well as Mark and Sarah, have a lot to look forward to."—  DJ Chaz - WKNC 88.1
I will be interviewing The Charming Youngsters and Wind and Willow on Thursday March 3rd at 7 p.m.!  Be sure to tune in!

Giveaways, oh boy!

The warm weather got you wanting to get out of the house? Spring Break plans fall through?
Let us provide you with some options.

Be the right caller and you could win!

This week at WKNC, we have the following giveaways:

3/1: Marnie Stern @ Kings

3/2 Leon Russel @ Lincoln Theatre

3/3 Future Islands @ Kings

3/4 Dance Music for Nerds @ The Pinhook

Superchunk @ Cat's Cradle

Superchunk perform at XXMerge, photo courtesy of Brad Searles

Fintroll @ Volume 11

3/5 Redress Raleigh Benefit featuring I Was Totally Destroying It and Bright Young Things @ Kings

3/6 Justin Robinson @ The Pinhook

Ty Segall @ Kings

Yelawolf @ Cat's Cradle

Remember, you have to listen win!

Oh, and while you're winning free tickets to great show, remember to vote WKNC best in College Radio as according to MTVu. Vote often, vote much.

Friday, February 25, 2011

SoundOff14 PJ Harvey- Let England Shake

PJ Harvey album coverIn this episode we talk about Daft Punk's Coke bottle, MTV's new Supervideos project, and we review the new album from PJ Harvey.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Lack of plans this week? Great. WKNC has a giveaway for an event almost every day! Listen in throughout the week and when the deejay asks for it, be the correct caller and win a fabulous prize!

This week in giveaways:

2/22: Future Birds w/Filthy Bird @ Kings Barcade
2/23: Neil Hamburger (comedian) @ Kings Barcade

2/24: Pietasters @ Cat's Cradle
2/26: Steep Canyon Rangers @ Lincoln Theatre

2/26:  Birds of Avalon @ Kings Barcade
2/27: Get Up Kids! @ Cat's Cradle
3/1: Marnie Stern @ Kings Barcade
3/4: Superchunk @ Cat's Cradle

Chainsaw: Finntroll @ Vol 11
2/21 - 'The Adjustment Bureau' @ 10:30pm @ Campus Cinemas
2/23 - 'Hall Pass' @ North Hills 14

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

EOT55 Food Trucks 2/22/11

As the city of Raleigh debates to allow food trucks within city limits, EOT talks with mobile food proprietors about their businesses. We also feature an interview with Jeff Murison of the Hillsborough Street Community Services Corporation about economic development on Raleigh's Hillsborough Street.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb 24 Local Beer Local Band!

Tir Na nOg and WKNC are proud to present Local Beer Local Band this Thursday, which will feature music from River City Ransom, IAMDYNAMITE, and Rocket Surgeon!!! Show starts at 10 p.m., 21 and up, and FREE FREE FREE!  Special deals on Local BEER and Tir Na nOg's mega delicious burgers will be on special as well!

River City Ransom is a five-piece Rock and Roll band from Raleigh, NC who play aggressive indie rock with loud post-punk choruses.

IAMDYNAMITE is known for their strong, heavily melodic and rhythmic approach to songwriting and performing. The approach has served them well; as it has allowed them to spread their wings well beyond their native Michigan and take them on the road where they have played from New York City to Austin, TX. It also helped them get the attention of Matt Noveskly of Austin, TX-based Blue October who in 2008 helped them record their self-titled debut E.P.

Rocket Surgeon focuses their energy on a fun show filled with audience favorites heavily featuring the 80’s as well as today’s hits with a few wacky twists thrown in to keep everyone on their feet.

**No interview this week due to a women's basketball game.  GO PACK!!

EOT54 The Love Hangover Edition 2/15/11

This week we cover The love hangover at Kings, we learn about the wooly adelgid and we find out about the psychology of love. We also have sports, news, video game current events, food myths with Kyle Jones, and Lydia Symmons sits down with Tommy Anderson to talk about her music blog, Sunset In the Rearview.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

2/14 Top Ten albums on WKNC's Daytime shows

#1FORMSDerealizationErnest Jenning
#2SMITH WESTERNSDye It BlondeFat Possum
#3I WAS A KINGOld FriendsSounds Familyre
#4CHIKITA VIOLENTATre3sArts and Crafts
#5BRAIDSNative Speakerself-released
#6APEX MANORThe Year of Magical DrinkingMerge
#7TENNISCape DoryFat Possum
#8DUCKTAILSDucktails III: Arcade DynamicsWoodsist
#9AGESANDAGESAlright You RestlessKF
#10WHITE FENCEIs Growing FaithDaptone

'Doombound' from the Shire to Gorgoroth

WKNC Pick of the Week, February 11, 2011 by Jonathan Newman, WKNC deejay

Musically, this album is more akin to the bands earlier works Where The Shadows Lie and Sword's Song with the driving guitars and blast beats. They blend the male and female vocals seamlessly over the keyboards and guitars, giving the songs a more earthy, yet powerful tone.

The male vocals have improved dramatically. The vocalist has seemed to have found the perfect line between growling and singing to add a voice that blends both a uruk-hai and a man. The female's vocals sound like the elves Arwen and Galadriel combined, forming a light sound that compliments the male's harsh vocals. Together with the lyrics, the music creates a powerful effect that sucks you in, leaving you wanting more.

While all the songs on the album are special in their own right, there are a few songs that one should take notice of, with the first of these songs being "Bow and Helm."

The song immediately kicks in with dual guitars and a pounding drum beat before filling your ears with the horns of Gondor. The male vocalist speaks softly to us about the land of bow and helm, before the voice of the orc breaks in screaming over galloping guitars about the rise of the dragon. Then it slows down, letting the elf and man sing quietly, before quickly returning to the orc attack of guitars and drums.

"Kärmessurma" is one of the more unique songs on the album, utilizing both male and orc vocals over a driving guitar. Yet what makes it special is the whole song is sung in elvish, making us feel as if we are watching a shouting match between a man and orc, before the female comes in and calms everything down.

The second-to-last song on the album is worth noting. "Doombound" is the last song to use vocals, and it uses them to such an extent that when mixed with the keyboards and guitars, you truly feel the pain that Túrin felt in his last moments. With a catchy hook and painful roars, the song plows on, dragging you down, before lifting you back up with a piano interlude filled with the serene voice of the elf, giving you peace despite the fact that you are doom-bound.

88.1 WKNC Pick of the Week is published in every Friday in the print edition of Technician, as well as online at and

Double Barrel Benefit #8 Compilation CD

88.1 WKNC Pick of the Week 2/8/11, written by DJ Switch, WKNC deejay

You never think your kid's ugly. Well, at least you never tell your kid you think they're ugly. My parents never did. They did say I have a face for radio, but I never quite got what that meant. Either way, there's no need to lie about the beauty of WKNC's Double Barrel Benefit compilation, because even though the student radio station put it together, it's a handsome piece of local music by all objective accounts. Recorded mostly in Caldwell Hall, this album was passed out to the crowd at 88.1's annual benefit concert as they watched those very same bands bring down the house.

Showing the diversity of Raleigh's music scene right off the bat is rapper Inflowential's "Wherever." It has a cheerful rhythm that reminds of Sugar Ray. As soon as you're swaying to that, he slips in nonchalantly and starts commanding a pitter-patter of rhymes. Inflowential has an easy mastery of words like Nas or Jay Z, but with none of the intimidating lyrics.

Kid Future has some seriously artful song lyrics, such as "you were born with no blood, wind in your veins," and the Old Ceremony has that simple beauty that you used to only be able to find in Bob Dylan or James Taylor songs.

Luego are students of the Guthrie school of folk rock, but, like Blitzen Trapper, they bring their modern indie rock sensibilities to give it a modern twist. Don't let the song title fool you, "California" is an ode to the good old North State, done right by a group of native musicians with true Carolina accents.

Cassis Orange easily became one of my new favorite bands with their contribution, "May, June, July." Now, normally I don't like dance music. I think this aversion stems from a childhood of getting rejected by girls at the middle school dances -- and an adulthood of getting rejected by some of those same girls at college parties -- but this track made me forget all that entirely. It's sort of like a mellowed-out Madonna, but not so dancey that it loses its beautiful, trippy melody and its mature songwriting.

Yardwork makes order out of chaos with "Hot Balloons." The guitar solos seem to climb around the impassioned vocals like ivy, wrapping over the pounding snares in an effort to quell this eminent crescendo of emotion. Bright Young Things is a sort of happy hodgepodge resembling something like Kula Shaker or maybe even an experimental-era Beatles.

Like their name, Hammer No More the Fingers is something both indescribable and obvious. You can't pin down exactly what it is that works for this band, but you know that it works— and "Blanko Basnet" definitely works. The vocals are some of the most unique I've ever heard. They have a slight adolescent twill, but still retain the power and resonance to howl above the rich intensity of the song.

No lie, this compilation is beautiful. Me, on the other hand—that might be another story.

88.1 WKNC Pick of the Week is published in every Friday in the print edition of Technician, as well as online at and

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Double Barrel Benefit compilations available at Schoolkids, Bull City Records

There's still time to get your own little piece of Double Barrel Benefit 8, while also supporting your local independent record store!

Compilations are $7, and are now available at Schoolkids Records in Raleigh and Bull City Records in Durham.

WKNC DBB 8 Compilation:
1. "Wherever" Inflowential
2. "Like a Camera" Kid Future
3. "Day That I Was Born" The Old Ceremony
4. "California" Luego
5. "May, June, July" Cassis Orange
6. "Hot Balloons" Yardwork
7. "King of Fools" Bright Young Things
8. "Blanko Basnet" Hammer No More the Fingers

Tracks 1-7 were engineered and mixed by WKNC staff, under the direction of WKNC Sessions Director Eric Scholz, in Caldwell Lounge on the campus of N.C. State University; track 8 was engineered and mixed by Pete Kimosh; all tracks were mastered by Kitchen Mastering in Carrboro, NC, and CD duplication was provided by Triangle Duplication Services in Raleigh, NC.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Call and Get 'Em—Giveaways!

Well hot damn. It's that time again. Every week at WKNC, we try to provide you with the chance to win tickets to great shows around the Triangle. Deejays should always be doing giveaways, even if you haven't seen what's available via this blog... you can always listen in to your favorite show and win tickets!

Things to look forward to this week:

2/16: Greil Marcus (former writer for Rolling Stone magazine) listening party @ The Pinhook

Schooner @ Kings

Nominated for 2 Grammys in Best Country Collaboration with Vocals and Best Country Instrumental Performance, the Punch Brothers are sure to have a great show!

Rooney @ Cat's Cradle **my high school self's personal pick

Rooney, a favorite band of mine from 9th grade, is Beatles-esque pop that has been featured on iconic TV shows like the OC

Movies: Paul (special screening Thursday at midnight) @ Campus Cinema

Hall Pass (special screening Wednesday, 2/23) @ North Hills 14

We have Pretty Lights tickets!

Just in time for spring, we have tickets for the down-tempo electronic sound of Pretty Lights at the Raleigh Amphitheatre on Tuesday, April 19. Tickets for Pretty Lights at the Raleigh Amphitheatre are on sale at this Friday, February 18 at 10 a.m., but WKNC has them now. Just be the correct caller this week when the DJ asks for it and win a pair of tickets!

Mystery Roach T-Shirt Contest Winners

The winners of the Mystery Roach t-shirt contest have been chosen. Congratulations to Cliff S. and Mark S.!

Many entered, but only two were deemed edible by a couple of chickens. If you did not win, but you would like a shirt, send an email to La Barba Rossa for more information.

Click here to watch the Mystery Roach T-Shirt Contest selection process.

Local Beer Local Band Line-up for Feb. 17

WKNC and Tir Na nOg are happy to bring you a fantastic show this Thursday. We've got NAPS, Jenna and the Jintlemen, and Nests to tease our ears to delight. Music starts at 10 p.m.! 21 and up. Local drafts are on the cheap cheap. And grab your $5 dollar cheeseburgers! YUMM.


Is Daniel Michael. Blew my mind with the electronic/drum machine based songs at the DiggUp Tapes Cassingles release party. Not sure if this show will go that route or their more rock noise guitar based version. They're loud with whispers. This is one of my favorite local bands (actually, all three of the bands playing this week are some of my favorites).

Jenna and the Jintlemen

I fell in love with Jenna at a party. Invited her with me to a place on the water. She played her guitar. Now she is playing shows all over Raleigh—although none of that really had anything to do with me. This Boone babe has handsome gentlemen (or Jintlemen) to join her on stage and emphasize her amazing singing and songwriting. The gorgeous men include a Zack, Adam, and Nick from Annuals, Local cutie/musician Johnny Hobbs, and lastly, her brother Shane from the Windsor Oaks Band.


Anything with a singing saw is awesome to me. Caught these guys at Market Restaurant for some brunch music with Jenna and the Jintlemen. If I remember correctly it was their first show, and impressive it was. Watch out local music scene! "In September of 2010, Jeremy Walton began a project called Nests. Simple and raw, it would be Jeremy’s first foray into songwriting. The end result finds the music residing somewhere between post-country and shoegaze. These sometimes eerie, always intimate songs capture the imagination of the listener with the help of collaborators and friends, Benjamin Eales, Raymond Finn, Nathan Price and Brian Corum." -Taken from DiggUp Tapes

Radiohead Surprise with Album Release on Feb 19

There has been much speculation over the next Radiohead album. The band has been insanely successful at keeping their next project under wraps since the start of their follow-up to In Rainbows. Following the "pay what you want" model of their previous album, Radiohead announced on February 14 that The King of Limbs will be distributed digitally Saturday, February 19. What has been deemed as a rather extraordinary packaged version of the album will be available in early May. Although there is a wide lack of information about what the album sounds like, what the tracks are named, and how long the album is, audiences will know as soon as it hits the tubes on February 19.

Arcade Fire Win Grammy for Album of the Year

After a night where The Black Keys took home Alternative Rock Album of the Year, Arcade Fire finished the night with the biggest honor of the evening. Following a spectacular performance of their song Month of May, the Canadian group surprisingly defeated commercial acts including Lady Antebellum, Eminem, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry. Achieving easily the biggest victory for Merge Records in recent memory, Arcade Fire accepted the award and set back to performing another fantastic track from The Suburbs, "Ready to Start." This marks the first award for the band, and starting by winning Album of the Year is a feat hard to top. Quickly following their victory, the official twitter account for the band posted, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Thank you EVERYONE."


Congratulations to the band on their massive successes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ben Sollee played a great show at Casbah on Saturday, February 12

Saturday night, my man and I celebrated Valentine's Day early with a great show at Casbah in Durham. The only other time I've been to Casbah was to see Crooked Still, which was in an intimate seated setting. I was expecting this, but the venue quickly filled to standing room only.

After the first song, it was evident why opening band Humble Tripe was "humble." The one man band slammed on a travel dulcimer, and chugged out a few repetitive chords on his acoustic guitar while singing cute lyrics about his life. I've heard studio recordings of Humble Tripe and described them as "if Bob Dylan and Bon Iver had a baby and then dropped it off in Durham," but I don't think those expectations were met. This could be because his recordings usually feature more than just Shawn Luby on guitar. Shawn brought to stage Catherine Edgerton of Midtown Dickens to play the occasional harmonica, tambourine, and of course her signature singing saw. Her bubbly presence took the heat off Shawn for a little while and as a budding saw player, I took notes on her technique. Humble Tripe is a band to listen to while sitting on a blanket at a small music festival feel, not as an opening band for a critically acclaimed artist like Ben Sollee.

Ben Sollee, former member of the Sparrow Quartet, is a dapper young cello player from Kentucky. He started things off with a short vocal performance, bluesy and emotional. He then brought in Phoebe Hunt (of The Belleville Outfit) on violin and Jordan Ellis on drums to do "Something, Somewhere, Sometime" off Dear Companion. This live rendition was a bit different from his version with Daniel Martin Moore, bringing in some rock elements and definitely changing my idea of going to a "slow cello concert." They continue playing upbeat, jazzy at times, bluesy at times music occasionally featuring a bass guitar, drums, cello, and violin. It was fast paced and well instrumented. I enjoyed the more down-tempo songs, but I can see the newer songs really catching on in the indie rock scene—look out for his upcoming album. Ben's voice was amazing in every song and so perfectly melded with Phoebe Hunt's, which was reminiscent of Norah Jones or Regina Spektor at times.

Ben was also a great banter-er; a quality many musicians lack. He told tales of how he came to the ideas of songs—his description of "The Prettiest Tree on the Mountain" was as poetic as the tune itself, and he constantly introduced his friends on violin and percussion. The group definitely had chemistry; probably from their adventures on bike, touring across America. That's right. On bike, with a cello and a drumset.

The best part of the show, aside from the group dynamic and perfect instrumental choreography, was the first encore "Only A Song." Ben Sollee explained how this song is off of Dear Companion, an album to raise awareness about mountaintop removal coal mining. He doesn't want this song to be a protest song, thus its name, but rather to inspire people to think a little harder about their actions in the world.

Friday, February 11, 2011

DJ Ones' Five Music Facts from the past week

1. After a bit of hysteria last week, it has since been confirmed that Gorillaz will not be breaking up. Representatives of the act have come out saying, "Despite rumours to the contrary, Gorillaz are alive and well and misbehaving in London W10." (via Clash Music)

2. Danger Mouse and Jack White are set to work on a collaboration together called Rome. The work, which features Danger Mouse and a variety of other artist, is set to release on Capitol Records in May. (via Pitchfork)

3. The Fresh & Onlys lead, Tim Cohen, is readying an upcoming solo album titled Magic Trick. The album will be out on February 22. (via Exclaim!)

4. The music streaming website SoundCloud has recently hit the milestone of three million users. The site has grown by a third since the beginning of the year. "To see this kind of exponential increase is incredible," said the founder of SoundCloud Alexander Ljung. (via NME)

5. After realizing that a fan ticket exchange site had been selling tickets to the final LCD Soundsystem show in New York at inflated prices, frontman James Murphy responded by telling those selling at inflated prices to "eat shit." Pre-sale tickets for the Madison Square Garden show were showing up on Stub-Hub before the ticketing opened up to the general public at significantly higher prices. (via NME)

Photos from Local Beer Local Band, Feb. 10

SoundOff12 Tennis/The Decemberists

soundoff12_021111On this edition of SoundOff we return! DJ Shorty Shorts and DJ Ones breakdown the upcoming Grammys, the Gorillaz staying together, and the new collaboration between Danger Mouse and Jack White, while reviewing the latest from The Decemberists and Tennis.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

EOT53 Krispy Kreme Challenge 2/8/11

On this week's show, we take you to the Krispy Kreme Challenge, Kyle Jones tells us why whole milk isn't bad for you and we review the new Decemberists album. We also have sports, news, video game current events and much much more.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We LOVE Giveaways

Looking for a date idea over Valentine's Day weekend?  Or did you just say "bah humbug" to the idea of Valentine's Day? Either way, listen to WKNC and you could win tickets to a variety of great shows. We won't even tell your date that the tickets were free.

Feburary 9:
Blue-Tailed Skinks @ The Pinhook

Feburary 10:
Dance Revolution @ Lincoln Theatre
Diggup Tapes Cassingles Release party @ King's
Tapes'n'Tapes @ Cat's Cradle

February 11:
Diggup Tapes Cassingles Night 2 @ King's
The Moaners @ Slim's

February 12:
Ben Sollee @ Casbah **my personal Valentine's Day pick**

Ben Sollee, courtesy of Stan D Payne

February 13:
@ King's

Inflowential @ The Pour House
Drive By Truckers
Documentary @ The Pinhook

February 14 :
Yann Tiersen @ Cat's Cradle

Yann Tiersen, courtesy of Ivo Kendra

Also, we will be giving away movie tickets to see Hall Pass for Wednesday, February 23 at North Hills.

DiggUp Tapes Cassingles Vol 1 Release Party!

Don't stop now! I know you were out all last weekend at Double Barrel Benefit and the weekend before that at Moving Island but you CANNOT stop now! There will be a record release show for DiggUp Tapes on February 10 and 11 at Kings Barcade in Raleigh. Don't miss the fun and there will be singles and box sets available!!

Thursday night lineup:

Arbor Myst (Multimedia set with help from Bubbly Mommy Gun from Athens, GA),

NAPS (Electronic Set),

Birds of Avalon (Experimental Set)

Whatever Brains (New Wave Set)

Friday Night line up:

Bubbly Mommy Gun (featuring a bunch of Athens dudes plus members of Quiet Hooves),

Fat Camp (from Charlotte),

Embarrassing Fruits and

Lonnie Walker

Show is going to be awesome! DiggUp Tapes will be releasing DiggUp Tapes Cassingles Vol 1 on FEB 15!  But remember, you can get your copy early at the Kings show!!  Twelve of DiggUp's favorite bands on 6 tape splits. Featuring Whatever Brains, NAPS, Lonnie Walker, Birds of Avalon, Veelee, Motor Skills, Gross Ghost, Yardwork, Embarrassing Fruits, Fat Camp, Arbor Myst (Ben Clack formerly of Dark Meat) and the Snails (Featuring Members of Future Islands). The label was created by the two most attractive men in Raleigh. And they've created the most attractive compilation of the year.

DiggUp Tapes itself is currently working with 5 artists:  Lonnie Walker, NAPS, Arbor Myst, Nests, and Nieces and Nephews.

"Raleigh songwriter Brian Corum, who through his band Lonnie Walker will soon be, if there’s any justice, a bonafide Avett-level hero of independent music in the Old North State, created DiggUp Tapes last year with longtime friend Nathan Price. Their plan was simple: promote quality music in danger of being overlooked. Keep the focus local. Do it with rare but affordable tapes and vinyl LPs that have a keepsake quality.

DiggUp’s catalog thus far has featured bands in which Corum and Price are involved (Lonnie Walker, NAPS, Felix the Drum Machine), but the pair was ready to up the ante on an ambitious new project. The Cassingles collection is meant to be a document of North Carolina’s current underground music landscape, uniquely presented as a 12-song compilation divided over six two-band “split” cassettes. Each split has its own artwork, and the tapes can be purchased separately or as a set of six in special packaging.

The 12 artists who contribute exclusive tracks for Cassingles arrive at different stages of development and notoriety, but none is too far removed from humble origins or DIY spirit.

"Cassingles loudly declares that the Triangle’s independent music scene can stand up to any in the country. And while you don’t have to dig nearly as deep as before to find worthwhile music in North Carolina, sometimes having things wrapped up in a nice little package doesn’t hurt. "– Coby Mangum

you can listen here.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Double Barrel Benefit 8: Night Two Photos

Interview with GWAR!


This is the Noobhammer, and I bring you a gift from the universe! It is my interview with the Scumdog who lives in Antarctica. I am of course talking about the one and only Oderus Urungus of GWAR! Listen to us talk about bloody pits, Doctor Who, and whores.

GWAR! Interview


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Monotonix in Review

So Monotonix played at Kings last Thursday. I had no idea what to expect. I've heard that it is a good show and that they are "crazy" but man oh man... my buddies did a horrible job preparing me.

I was sad to leave the battles at Tir Na nOg (we had Shards, RBT, Squall and Thieves) but I could hear Kings beckoning me so I finally departed.  Kings was packed. I grabbed a beer and stood in the middle of the floor, a good spot to watch the band play on stage. But they didn't play on stage. Monotonix clears a space on the ground and begins. I can't see a thing and move to sit on the bar where I finally get a look at the insanity.

PBR cans (most with PLENTY of beer left in them) are flying everywhere. The band is crowdsurfing, the audience is crowdsurfing. There is beer in my hair and I'm amazed watching Monotonix literally play ON TOP OF the crowd. A few held up one band member and a few people held up his drum to play. (Did I mention that they are hardly wearing clothes?) I get scared as the band moves in my direction.. the bar. I have to scoot over so they can set up right next to me and a roommate. I'm a bit close for comfort but I was not about to give up my sweet spot. The singer grabs a dollar out of the tip jar, puts it somewhere.... unmentionable... and then throws the dollar down. The band seriously played everywhere but on stage.

(picture from when they played at the old Kings... I didn't have my camera this night... glad I didn't.  Who knows what Monotonix would do to it if they got a hold of it???)

Thanks Monotonix.  I had a great time.

Local BEER Local BAND! First Installment of the 2011 Brewer Series!

In assistance with New Raleigh, this week WKNC and Tir Na nOg are proud to present The Big Picture, Gray Young, and Fan Mondine.

Remember all those promises I made to you the first week of the new year? Such as "more emphasis on beer"? Well we are kicking off the Brewer Series. The brewer series is a way that we can focus on the great craft beer that is created in North Carolina. On the second Thursday of each month a NC brewery is going to release a limited series or their seasonal draft. We are also working to feature other local businesses within our community. This month's feature: Fullsteam Brewery's Raleigh release of First Frost featuring hand-picked NC persimmons plus confections from South Durham Confection Company that will complement the brews.  As always, this is a FREE SHOW!! 21+

The Big Picture

One of the newer local bands, The Big Picture is absolutely a band to be reckoned with!  The band "Started up about two years ago between the Tunnell brothers (Johnny and Joah) The Big Picture remained completely unknown until [around May 2010]. Adding some new members to the band, Heather Tunnell, Nick Radford (Annuals), Leah Gibson (Lost in the Trees), and Alec Ferrell." - DJ Caid

Gray Young

“Raleigh’s Gray Young (who, for the record, use vocals, but in a largely textural way) makes its anthems say a lot in very little time, and such careful editing and composition amps the intensity.” -The Independent

Fan Modine

Their myspace page says that their music sounds like "a train leaving a station."  I like these guys.

Can't wait for Thursday. I'm going to drink yummy First Frost and chow down on delicious savory biscuits from South Durham Confection Company and devour a $5 cheeseburger from the pub. I get mine medium rare with all vegetables possible, including carrots, and goat cheese.  Thanks New Raleigh, Fullsteam, and Tir Na nOg! See you soon!

**No interview this Thursday due to a Women's Basketball game.  GO PACK!

Friday, February 4, 2011

DJ Ones' Five Music Facts of the past week

1. Among the biggest news of the week included The White Stripes finally calling it quits. The band released an official statement on their website discussing that they will not be recording any new material, or planning any future tours. The content they have yet to be released will be distributed on Third Man Records, Jack White's record label. (via

2. Hot Chip's lead singer Alexis Taylor has announced details on the second album of his side project. The side project, which is named About Group, will release their sophomore album called Start and Complete in April. (via NME)

3. Death From Above 1979 have unveiled new information about the band's reunion. After surprising information came out that the duo would be playing several festivals in the near future, drummer Sebastian Grainger has expanded upon the reasons for the reunion. He stated, "Jesse and I have decided that what we can do together should not be denied. Together again, as was always the intention, as a collaboration. The collision of two different worlds." (via

4. The Ravonettes have lifted the veil about their new album. Their follow-up to 2009's In and Out of Control is titled Raven in the Grave, and will also get an early April release. (via ClashMusic)

5. The cast of Glee has recorded a mash-up between the king of pop himself Michael Jackson, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The mash-up between tracks Thriller and Heads Will Roll will be aired first after the Super Bowl on Sunday February 6. (via NME)

Krispy Kreme Challenge DJ Playlists

This Saturday, Feb. 5 marks another glazed filled, four mile run for the charity event benefiting the NC Children's Hospital. The Krispy Kreme Challenge will host 7,500 runners this year, some of which will feature our very own WKNC deejays. In order to get pumped for the event, we've posted below a few of our playlists for the run.


1. The Black Keys -- 10 a.m. Automatic
2. Generationals -- Faces in the Dark
3. I Was Totally Destroying It -- Done Waiting
4. Kate Nash -- Kiss That Grrrl
5. M. Ward -- Never Had Nobody Like You
6. Rilo Kiley -- Portions for Foxes
7. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings -- I Learned the Hard Way
8. Weezer -- Ruling Me
9. Shout Out Louds -- Fall Hard

Special K:

1. Smith Westerns -- Weekend
2. If These Trees Could Talk -- What's In the Ground Belongs to You
3. Kanye West -- Get Em High (Ratatat Remix)
4. The Luyas -- Too Beautiful To Work
5. The Light Pines -- Bird Tribe
6. Washed Out -- You and I
7. Kisses – Midnight Lover
8. Y La Bamba -- November
9. King Mez & Commissioner Gordon – The Light
10. Future Islands – Walking Through That Door

Agent "Glazed and Confused" Orange:

1. Japandroids -- Wet Hair
2. Digitalism -- I Want I Want
3. Yeah Yeah Yeahs -- Y Control
4. Bloc Party -- Flux
5. Queens of the Stone Age -- Go With The Flow

DJ Mensch:

1. Broken Social Scene - 7/4/ (Shoreline)
2. Minus the Bear - My Time
3. The Love Language - Heart to Tell
4. The Seatbelts - Tank!
5. Blink 182 - Feeling This
6. Mute Math - Chaos
7. Rancid - Red Hot Moon
8. Rise Against - Savior
9. The Temper Trap - Science of Fear
10. +44 - No It Isn't

Hot Tamale:
1. Donnis - Gone
2. Joy Formidable - The Greatest Light Is The Greatest Shade
3. The Hood Internet - Two Weeks of Hip Hop (Dead Prez vs Grizzly Bear)
4. Sleigh Bells - Run The Heart
5. Drake - Best I Ever Had
6. The Who - Baba O'Riley
7. Girl Talk - Triple Double
8. The Killers - Mr. Brightside
9. Matt & Kim - Block After Block
10. Bloc Party - Ion Square

Riff Raff/Kate-tose-intolerant:

1.Outkast- Rosa Parks
2.Best Coast - Bratty B
3.Best Coast - Crazy For You
4.Best Coast - Summer Mood
5.The Beatles - Golden Slumbers
6.The Beatles - Carry That Weight
7.The Beatles - The End
8. Bassnectar- BBC Mixtape 2010
9. Paper Tiger- The Bully Plank
10. Blue Sky Black Death - Days Are Years

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

White Stripes Break Up

In a press statement mentioned on the band's website, Meg and Jack White will not be recording any future material nor will they be performing live. Part of the statement said, "The reason is not due to artistic differences or lack of wanting to continue, nor any health issues as both Meg and Jack are feeling fine and in good health." Songs that have been already recorded will be released at future dates on Third Man Records. Included in the statement was a personal message directed towards fans describes, "The White Stripes do not belong to Meg and Jack anymore. They expanded with, "The White Stripes belongs to you now and you can do with it whatever you want. The beauty of art and music is that it can last forever if people want it to."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rising Artist Spotlight: Che Blaq

Seattle’s Che Blaq has brought a new innovative sound to the genre of R&B by combining the sounds of electro-pop, hip-hop, and vintage soul. What makes Che stand out amongst other upcoming R&B artists is his smooth, yet soulful and powerful voice, catchy and fresh melodies and edgy production.

Che's debut album "Fearless" will be arriving in stores soon and promises to be filled with songs written, produced and arranged primarily by himself.

Aside from his solo endeavors, Che is one half of R&B duo, The ARq, along with Jay Dot, who recently released their second album "Untouchable 2.0". He is also the CEO of HouseHold Entertainment/Island Hills Publishing.

To find out more about Che, visit facebook, twitter,myspace and Ourstage. Check out "Real RnB Radio's" exclusive Q&A with the talented singer/songwriter and listen to some of his music below.

Q: How would you describe your sound?

A: Electro-pop-soul. It's a complex mixture of ambient undertones, heavy rhythmic patterns, and bright synths. Really emotional epic stuff.

Q: Who are your primary musical influences?

A: Sade, Sting, Seal, Daft Punk, Placebo, Donny Hathaway... I don't really have a traditional ear for music. I try to keep an open palette.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish through your music?

A: I want to give a voice to the so called "different". The people that don't really fit in. The ones that seem to always get picked last. We all have a story...

Q: What’s been the highlight of your career thus far?

A: Being able to create something that the world has given so much love to. Doing what you love to do for a living is truly a blessing.

Q: If you weren’t singing, what would be be doing?

A: I'd probably be a wrestling I'm such a fan!

Q: Guilty Pleasures?

A: Krusteaz DIY chocolate chip cookies, anything Batman, and scary movies.

Q: Fave TV show/cartoon?

A: Fringe, Law & Order SVU, Spongebob, and Kid vs. Kat

Q: Celebrity crush?

A: Eva Mendes and Rosario

Q: Biggest Pet Peeve?

A: Being late.

Q: Anything you’d like to add about yourself in two or less sentences?

A: If you see me online, scream at me. I'm a pretty easy going guy.

Look out for Fearless later this year.

Feb. 3. Metal Time. Local Beer Local Band.

Time for a metal show. There is nothing like cold weather and metal music. Don't know why, but the mix is amazing. WKNC and Tir Na nOg are proud to present a loud night at the pub featuring Shards, RBT, Squall, and Thieves. The bands will be battling each other for metal glory.  Don't expect a set order... multiple bands will be on stage at once. Scream from those you love the most.

Don't forget! $5 cheeseburgers at the pub and all local brews on special. 21 and up, FREE, and starts at 10 p.m.

See you there!

A few giveaways, many genres

We have a few giveaways for this first week of February:

You can see Monotonix at King's in Raleigh on Feb. 3. This Israeli garage rock band on Drag City Records has toured in the past with Dinosaur Jr. and Silver Jews.

Deerhoof is playing at King's in downtown Raleigh on Feb. 6. They have been noted as influencing bands like Sleigh Bells, Dirty Projectors, Of Montreal, St. Vincent, and Sufjan Stevens.

If you're a metal head, you could win tickets to Bull City Metal Fest featuring Caltrop, US Christmas, Colossus, In The Year of the Pig, and much more. This two day event will be at Casbah in Durham on the fourth and fifth of February.

If you're looking for some more great shows, be sure to check out the rock report, and pay close attention to Double Barrel Benefit 8 this Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5 at King's.

Remember, you have to listen to win!