Sunday, February 6, 2011

Local BEER Local BAND! First Installment of the 2011 Brewer Series!

In assistance with New Raleigh, this week WKNC and Tir Na nOg are proud to present The Big Picture, Gray Young, and Fan Mondine.

Remember all those promises I made to you the first week of the new year? Such as "more emphasis on beer"? Well we are kicking off the Brewer Series. The brewer series is a way that we can focus on the great craft beer that is created in North Carolina. On the second Thursday of each month a NC brewery is going to release a limited series or their seasonal draft. We are also working to feature other local businesses within our community. This month's feature: Fullsteam Brewery's Raleigh release of First Frost featuring hand-picked NC persimmons plus confections from South Durham Confection Company that will complement the brews.  As always, this is a FREE SHOW!! 21+

The Big Picture

One of the newer local bands, The Big Picture is absolutely a band to be reckoned with!  The band "Started up about two years ago between the Tunnell brothers (Johnny and Joah) The Big Picture remained completely unknown until [around May 2010]. Adding some new members to the band, Heather Tunnell, Nick Radford (Annuals), Leah Gibson (Lost in the Trees), and Alec Ferrell." - DJ Caid

Gray Young

“Raleigh’s Gray Young (who, for the record, use vocals, but in a largely textural way) makes its anthems say a lot in very little time, and such careful editing and composition amps the intensity.” -The Independent

Fan Modine

Their myspace page says that their music sounds like "a train leaving a station."  I like these guys.

Can't wait for Thursday. I'm going to drink yummy First Frost and chow down on delicious savory biscuits from South Durham Confection Company and devour a $5 cheeseburger from the pub. I get mine medium rare with all vegetables possible, including carrots, and goat cheese.  Thanks New Raleigh, Fullsteam, and Tir Na nOg! See you soon!

**No interview this Thursday due to a Women's Basketball game.  GO PACK!

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