Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Saturday at Cat's Cradle: Here We Go Magic, Beach Fossils, Light Pines

I'm a fan of Here We Go Magic; I am a fan of Beach Fossils. Their respective live performances were both reflective of their energetic,  loopy recordings that exist, in my mind at least,  as  sharpened, present day iterations of the old shoe gazey stuff . I maybe blended their sounds together too much there. (If I overgeneralized, I am sorry. Beach Fossils is the more "gazey" of the two, to be sure.) Both bands are great on record, great live, and certainly worth seeing again (not to mention, worth it for you to see one or both of them when you get the chance).

BUT, I'll go ahead and be honest. (I have the megaphone!)

Light Pines dude.  This was my Ffffifth? Sixth? time seeing this outfit in action, and, as usual, they failed miserably to disappoint. "Knowing what to look for" may be an appropriate good phrase, but I'm barely a musician. I just know to look for the awesome, I guess.

No nonsense. No garrulous banter between songs. No distracting movement.  Just a terse, diligent, and damn-solid entertaining performance. A change of lighting and, if you're lucky, a modest "thank'yeh"  after each song is all you're gonna get.  And what would (or possibly could) you do with anything extra?

Nope, I didn't take pictures.  Flashes are annoying.


1 comment:

  1. [...] Light Pines, right? If you don’t, well, come to the show and you’ll be glad you did. Here is my review of a show they opened up a couple months [...]
