Friday, September 11, 2009

EOT03 Student Government 9/7/09

Eye on the Triangle's Labor Day show hopefully gave some of you something to listen to on your drive back from your various vacations. For those of you who missed it, you can listen to the segment's podcasts. This week's episode covered a variety of topics, some of which will continue to come up throughout the year, so stay tuned.


In this week's VIP, Saja Hindi interviewed Student Body President Jim Ceresnak, a newcomer to the Student Government scene, about what it was like to be a student leader during a time of uncertainty at the University, following the resignations of the University's top officials. Ceresnak also spoke about the year ahead and the projects he hopes to push for the student body. To get an insider's look on Ceresnak and his past, check out Technician's profile on the new student body president when he first got elected.

Adam Compton interviewed the student body's vice-president, more commonly known as the Student Senate president, Kelli Rogers for EOT's VIP segment. Rogers, unlike Ceresnak, has been working in Student Government on what may have seemed to be the logical path to Student Senate president, from student senator her freshman year to Student Senate pro temp last year, to more involvement in between.


This week, we gave you an extended version of Hear This, filled with interviews from Zach Terry about the Bike MS Benefit Show at Cat's Cradle and information about Snuzzfest benefit concert at the Local 506. The Bike MS Benefit Show (to battle Multiple Sclerosis) featured Last of the Great Side Show Freaks, Tomahawks, Lafcadio and Zach Terry. Snuzzfest is a benefit concert for Snuzz who is uninsured and has to have lymphoma treatment. It featured, among others, Tres Chicas and the Desmonds. For more on that show, click here.


Jacob Downey sat down with Russell Spencer Gentry, a junior in anthropology and history who is preparing for his role in the production of Amadeus in Thompson Theatre Sept. 18 to 20 and Sept. 23 to 27. For more information on the show, click here.


And in this week's Soundbytes, Caitlin Cauley and May Chung interviewed students around campus to see what they thought about the health care debate. The responses may seem somewhat surprising.

Tune into next Monday's show at 7 p.m. about the Raleigh-Durham divide, and email us at if you have any ideas, gripes or want to suggest someone for the Wolfpacker of the Week.

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