Friday, September 4, 2009

IWTDI release new single from upcoming album


Chapel Hill pop group I Was Totally Destroying It (Greyday Records) has a brand new album being released October 1oth at the Cats Cradle titled Horror Vacui. But this morning they dropped their first single from the album, "Come Out, Come Out" on the internet. The song features the Hercules Europe Brass in what is one of the most collaborative tracks out locally in some time. Says the band:
"Most of the time in the studio we have a good idea of how the song goes, what we want to do with it, what it should sound like in the end. With Come Out, Come Out, we took a different direction. John and Hep each recorded two tracks using makeshift drum combinations. There were lots of group vocals, a lot of fun."

You can get a free copy of Horror Vacui at the Cats Cradle October 10th. Also playing the show is a host of other local bands featuring Lake Inferior, Rat Jackson, Des Ark, and Lonnie Walker.

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