Tuesday, September 1, 2009

LBLB For September

New Raleigh has beaten us to the punch announcing this month's Local Beer Local Band, but we are just excited as everyone else.  This could possibly be the best month's lineup yet, and features three extra dates not on Thursday!  Check it out:


Every week WKNC interviews our Local Beer Local Band bands, so be sure to check back to the blog for dates and times of live, on-air, interviews.

Also, don't forget that every week the Hear Here compilation will be on sale at Tir Na Nog!


  1. No doubt that this week September 3rd will be amazing! If you have never seen Max Indian live then you are missing out. I know ill be there.

  2. And I wish I could be there, but alas, I have not missed a home NC State game since 1991.
