Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Alcazar Hotel To Give Out Free Music


Chapel Hill rock group, The Alcazar Hotel, is giving out free CDs to anyone who wants them!  Between now and December 31, just contact jimmy@fiveheadentertainment.com and let them know how you want the CD sent to you.  The band said today:
"We want you to help spread the word about the Alcazar Hotel!  Burn the CD for a friend or your cousin and tell them about the band.  Know five folks who you think would dig the tunes?  Let us know - we'll send you 5 CDs...pass 'em on to those five folks, along with our myspace info & show schedule"

Songs from the free CD include select tracks from the band's newest album, Come ON! Dig The Unified Theory, as well as recently recorded for Cytunes & the Mark Sandman Music Project.

You can ask for mp3s, mp4s, or CDs through snail mail or "carrier pigeon".

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