Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Up and Coming: Adam Walton is looking for "Troubel"

That's right, Troubel. I interviewed Adam a couple of weeks back, and if you missed out, here's a little background information to fill you in. Adam has been creating music for the better part of his life, though is probably most well known for his participation in the group "Carolina Roadkill," an eclectic assortment of instruments and amazing people that make folk fun. This summer Adam had the chance to develop his own tastes further through his new one man group, named Troubel, out in Boone. Using the mountains as his inspiration, an album was born, which is due to come out December 7. Full of banjo and guitar, happy yet powerful lyrics "The Mountains. The Broken." is a side that I hadn't seen in Adam before. Though we discussed the challenges of working alone, it appears that it has allowed him to branch out and create something different and refreshing, something we can all appreciate.  To take a listen of the new album, check out Troubel's website.

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