Sunday, November 28, 2010

Felix the Drum Machine RECAP

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If you attempted to nap before going to Kings on Turkey Day then you most likely didn't wake up. And you missed a great show. That's okay. There is always next year.

Here is a recap!

The Revolutionary Sweethearts opened up the night. I was in love at first listen with this band for sure. After their set I immediately headed backstage to meet Brandy. I hope to see them at a Local Beer Local Band next year!

DJ Gonzo played before/inbetween/after sets. I remember he spun my favorite Veelee song, "Amber." What a lovely listen that was!

As Brian Shaw pointed out, there were a lot of people there that he didn't know or recognize. A good thing, indeed. Felix the Drum Machine's annual Thanksgiving shows are evidently gaining a fan base.

Everyone was in costume: Brian C. in the space suit, Zack O. as some animal/superman combo, William C. in a black trench coat, and Brian S. as a Mr. America (or something like that) outfit. They were all super cute!

At the end of the night, I picked up my own cassette tape that Felix the Drum Machine was selling. The artwork completely original and unique. Best investment I've made in a while. See you next year!

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