Monday, November 1, 2010

Drughorse First Friday at Tir na nOg

Remember the last time The Light Pines played Tir na nOg (or anywhere)? Holy smokes that was awesome.  Well, they along with two of their Drughorse brethren will be rocking the pub's thatched roof yet again this Friday.

You know the Light Pines, right? If you don't, well, come to the show and you'll be glad you did. Here is my review of a show they opened up a couple months ago.

TWELVE THOUSAND ARMIES: Fronted by Justin Williams, the surging  and recently rejuvenated (see: opening for Vetiver tonight at the 506 and recently for the Love Language at Motorco on Oct 23) Twelve Thousand Armies will fill the two-spot in this lineup with their shimmery, nostalgic 60's pop ballads.  The melodies are playful and tickling, and the lyrics range from mature and serious to downright poignant.

NUDEHUES: You wouldn't guess that the eerie, lingering and hard-for-me-to-classify compositions of the mysterious Nudehues came from the same brain that spun Max Indian's hook-laden toe-tappers for over a year.  Carter Gaj (Max Indian frontman emeritus) and Tom Simpson (Light Pines percussionist) may leave you scratching your head, but they will certainly leave you wanting more.  Compelling and thought-provoking stuff.

This show starts at 9:30, and it costs a conveniently meager five dollars.

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