Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Return of Felix the Drum Machine!

Unfortunately, this Turkey Day there will be no Local Beer Local Band at Tir Na nOg. However, there is a local band playing down the street at King's Barcade. Felix the Drum Machine! You will get sick of your family by at least 8 p.m. so head on down to Kings with your tummy full. Show will start at or around 9:30 p.m. All ages. Six bucks gets you through the door.

If you were hanging around Kings in 2001, you probably didn't see Felix the Drum Machine the one and only time they played the legendary venue. Now's your chance.

Featuring members of Future Islands, Lonnie Walker, Annuals, and Cellar Seas, Felix the Drum Machine is proud to bring its second annual Thanksgiving night show back to Kings Barcade, this year featuring the first all-new Felix song since 2002 and a special surprise set to open the evening.

In-between sets there will be music by DJ Gonzo, who in his college days as DJ Che was the first (and only?) person to play Felix on WKNC.

The band hopes to have some old Felix recordings for sale so you can see how they've matured since high school.  (Hey Felix, let WKNC get a copy so we can spin it!)

PLUS!  Tune in Thursday at 7 p.m. for a live interview with Felix the Drum Machine.