Sunday, January 25, 2009

Recap: Rosebuds, Megafaun and Love Language at Cat's Cradle

Saturday night at Cat's Cradle was perfect. I trudged through last week, snow and school and all, and what was really getting me through was knowing that on Saturday, I'd get to see The Rosebuds and just dance it out.

Every time I see The Rosebuds, it reaffirms my theory that Kelly and Ivan are actually the coolest people on earth.  It's so obvious that they give it their all, and that's why as a result their shows are always really fun. Saturday was no exception. I won't go into great detail about their set, because if you weren't their it will just make you feel jealous and bummed out, but rest assured, they put on an excellent show, complete with pink Christmas lights and a very confused little dog who appeared on stage during the encore.

Rosebuds The Rosebuds, photo by Mike Alston

The Rosebuds were great, but they're always great. What made Saturday night so especially awesome was that it was a great show from start to finish.

Lately I've been really loving  The Love Language, who started off the night. They are all so energetic and cute, I saw them at the Local 506 back in December and had been looking forward to seeing them again ever since.  Even though they apologized several times for having colds, they did not disappoint. If they hadn't mentioned it, I don't think I would've suspected that they were not feeling up to their A-game. I highly recommend checking out their MySpace, because every last one of their songs is spectacular.

Oh, and Megafaun. They're from your backyard. These guys seriously rule. Much like The Rosebuds, they were very in touch with the crowd. I like feeling like a show is interactive, so I give them points for initiating an elaborate singalong during which they divided the crowd into three sections with three different singing parts. Bonus points also for burning incense during their set, and for their very long, very manly beards.

Bradley Cook of Megafaun, photo by Mike Alston Bradley Cook of Megafaun, photo by Mike Alston

Long story short, Saturday night at Cat's Cradle was totally awesome. There is such a wealth of local music in the Triangle, and I think that's something that we're all really lucky to be a part of. This music comes from your neighbors, you know? Whenever I'm listening to these bands and thinking about how much they rule, that's what really blows my mind about it all. This music comes from my neighbors.

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