Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Interview with HNMTF Cancelled

Obviously, since it is 7:15, and the interview was supposed to start around 6:15, the interview with Hammer No More The Fingers has been cancelled.

WKNC apologizes for this inconvenience and it is our hope that this does not cause any problems with our listeners.  We hold our listeners in high regard and events such as this are not common on our station, and we hope to avoid such situations in the future.

Also, thanks to Music.MyNC for helping to promote the interview.  The support is much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. On behalf of Hammer No More the Fingers, I would like to sincerely apologize to WKNC and its listeners for missing the scheduled interview. Originally we had hoped to get off work to come in for an in-studio performance, but since it was scheduled the monday of that week, we were not able to. We planned to get to the station in time for an interview that evening and left Durham directly from work. Due to the weather, traffic was backed up on I-40 and we were not able to make it to Raleigh. We have the utmost respect and love for WKNC and we hope to reschedule and come back to the station soon. Appypollylogies,
    Hammer No More the Fingers
