Earthquake- This week, we discussed the earthquake that rattled the area last Tuesday. In addition to capturing student reactions, we spoke to Dr. Karl Wegmann about the specific geological details surrounding the event and what we should be concerned about.
Ramadan- As Ramadan drew to a close, we took a look at a day in the life of a fasting Muslim during Ramadan and learned about what Ramadan means to Muslims.
Brick by Brick- In the premiere of a brand new segment, we spoke to John Morris about the history and unique architecture surrounding our own Harrelson Hall. Each week, we will take a look at a different building on campus and give you the opportunity to get to know NC State, brick by brick.
Sports- Cory Smith offers his opinion on our football team's standing and schedule this year. For more on sports, Cory hosts a sports show, Pulse of the Pack, on Wednesday nights from 7-8.
This Week In History- Dave and Nick are back with This Week In History, where they offer us all sorts of interesting events and birthdays that took place this week in history.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
WKNC DJs Air their Greivances in Music
Late last week I sent an email out to the WKNC staff to ask them to tell me what their grievances in music are. It's not quite Festivus yet, but as the school year starts and stress starts to build up, I thought now would be an appropriate time. I left things pretty open. The idea was simple. All they needed to do was send me any pet peeve they had in the music world. From fans, to artists, and everything in between, I received a little bit of everything. Out of all the emails that I have sent to our good-looking staff, this one warranted the greatest response. Below are the musical pet peeves in order that I received them.
Do you have a musical pet peeve? Air your grievances in the comment section below.
La Barba Rossa: Down with the hippie twirl!
DJ Stutterz: People who squeeze in front of you at a show like they are moving and then stand two feet in front of you the whole show. Also people who obnoxiously yell cover song titles in hopes of them being played. People at electronic shows who are more concerned with their glowsticks, glowing/flashing light things, fairy wings then they are with the actual music. I understand that it's fun to dress up and all but I hate it when there is more focus on the guy twirling a glowstick ball then there is the actual music.
R. Cory Smith: I cannot stand sirens in music. Like that sh*t at the beginning of Drake and Lil Wayne songs. God, that's awful.
Kyle "El Generalissimo" Robb: When people use "techno" as a blanket term for all electronic music. That 8 foot tall guy at every show who always seems to stake out a spot directly in front of you. You can try leaning to one side, but his subconscious ESP will tell him he needs to lean the same direction.
The Cosmic Cowboy: My pet peeve: the genre of music dubstep.
Mason: Anybody who craps on music on the simple merit that it's "too mainstream." At WKNC, we play different music because it's an opportunity we have as a non-commercial station. We don't have to worry about corporate giants standing over our shoulders wagging money in our faces. It's not like all main-stream music is horrible… only some of it is. Music snobbery drives me insane. Just because music doesn't fit our particular daytime format doesn't mean that a person who listens to it is an idiot. PS, I freaking love BeyoncĂ©'s new album, Brittney's 'new' album, and Kanye West. I've also recently begun to enjoy (I'm behind the times) TLC and Mariah Carey. There is nothing wrong with me. I just appreciate good classics and respect pop hooks from heaven.
Cannibal Cory: I hate it when I listen to a death metal song and can't eat people at the same time.
Dr. J: My musical pet peeve would be people who, in my opinion, think it's cool to think Johnny Cash is cool. What do they know about Johnny Cash? I've listened to Johnny Cash my entire life. Name me six Johnny Cash songs, poser.
.jose jose.: I hate it when people talk sh*t about an artist during the show and then go tell them how much they loved it afterwards.
Cioffi: Scorpions.
One Cool Dude: When people say, "I listen to everything but rap and country."
DJ Shorty Fernarnar: Anytime you go to a concert for your favorite band, and the person sitting next to you doesn't even listen to the band, they're just going to go. So, they act obnoxious and disrespectful while you're trying to listen to your favorite tunes.
Emmaroo: Not to bash on musicians, but could they please stop creating epic buildups that make me want to pee my pants with anticipation and then present a mediocre "hook" of no musical merit. Or who have such a great start to end with an inconsequential chorus. Just to throw some bands under the bus: Foals, After Glow and one Andrew Bird Song the name of which escapes me right now. I think it's from Andrew Bird and the Mysterious Production of Eggs? I can't remember but it pisses me off. Also when people ask if I've heard of a fairly mainstream band and when I say no instead of going "oh it's awesome! you should listen, you'll enjoy it" they make a face and utter something along the lines of "where have you been?" or "are you kidding me how have you not heard them?!". If you're that surprised I haven't heard of the band then just assume I have and don't ask.
Mollypop: Off beat clapping. Like, I understand you're excited. I understand you're drunk. But there is NO NEED to clap when 1) the band hasn't encouraged the clapping and 2) when you're off-beat. F**kers.
DJ Saber: Tweeted this as it happened today in class because it really irks me when people blast their music through their headphones IN A DEAD SILENT AREA. Of course I love music, but not when it's squeezed out of someone else's ear bud. The result is comparable to screaming child who won't calm their sh*t. It's a terrible noise. It's completely unnecessary to turn your music up on full blast in a quiet place.
Shorty Shorts: Long car rides, like a hour or more, of someone's musical taste imposed on me (if I don't like it, of course). I love the music I listen to, but I like to be conscious enough not to make others listen to it if they don't want to. Sure, taste in music is subjective. I get that, and I don't care what you listen to, but if you make me listen to it... for an extended amount of time... I'll hate you.
The Voice of Reason: If I go to a show, I dread seeing folks stand about like the sedated undead. It happens so often as to not be a pet peeve anymore, but it's disheartening to bop around while folks shuffle their feet like having fun is a felony.
Psychonaut: Bands who save their best songs for the encore. Not that I don't enjoy hearing those songs, but because it invalidates the whole idea of the encore. An encore is supposed to be for a band that does a great job and entertains the crowd enough that they want more and more. Instead, they've become a farce where it's essentially the band just taking a break and enjoying a forced round of applause and cheering from the crowd.
DJ Bunch: People who keep moshing during a slow breakdown. Give it a rest for 30 seconds, douche! Also, fat people who try to crowd surf (particularly when the crowd has a disproportionate amount of rail-thin teenagers).
Filthy Rich: Ke$ha. In addition to Ke$ha, another one of my pet peeves is when I'm at a show and people in the crowd start shooting video with their phones. Not only are they waving their arms an inch away from my head and obstructing the view of the stage, they're not really focusing on the show if they're concentrating on making a shitty video. Then, that shitty video will end up on YouTube as a noisy blur that doesn't do the band justice. (Unless, of course, it's Ke$ha.)
DJ Bullcity: Dubstep fanboys that spend twice as much time analyzing dubstep, where it came from, and what qualifies as dubstep, then actually listening to it.
DJ LiViD: When people whistle to a song.
DJ Dylan-ger: When you specifically make a party playlist of seven hours of music to play off your iPod speakers, and then someone comes along and changes it to Lil Wayne, or any other music you could hear at ANY party but your own. And when you try to change it back: "No one knows your music!" Shut up and enjoy my jams I handpicked just for you.
DJ Elly May: I hate when I tell someone specifically that I love a song on the radio in the car and turn it up and then they proceed to talk over it. Helloooo! Shut up!
Captain SKAmerica: Just because you prefer a band's older material, you are automatically referred to as a hipster. Also that one girl at every punk and ska show that stands at the front in the mosh pit and gets mad when people run into her. If you're in the pit, you're gonna get hit. Get it through your head.
Adam Kincaid: Bands, especially local bands, who think they are "too popular" for our station. F**k you. If we can have half of the national touring acts we do come in for interviews you can drag your ass five minutes down the road for a chat once a year. Especially if you owe your local popularity to WKNC's programming. Our LOCAL listeners want to hear from their favorite popular LOCAL acts because they feel a sense of ownership and pride in making your music as well known as it is. I also can't believe no one has mentioned people talking during shows. Shut the hell up about your ex-boyfriends cousins best friend who glared at you at a coffee shop 2 weeks ago and remember she was the one who was wearing that super expensive shirt like she was hot shit and like, OMG, that mole on her arm is sooooooo gross. I'm trying to enjoy myself without hearing your coffee talk. If you have to scream over a concert to have a conversation you are in the wrong place.
Chocolate Rice: iTunes.
DJ C.E.O: When people decide that they want to sing along with me! I quickly tell them that this is not a duet. When people are skimming through their iPod looking for a song and skips all the good songs! Just pause it until you're ready to play something instead of teasing me! When people (mainly my mom) play the same song over, and over, and over again. When I go see an artist live and they let the audience sing a full song. Especially if it's one of my favorites. When I go to a show and the sound system is POOR. When I go to a party and the DJ takes me on an emotional roller coaster by playing really fast songs followed by really slow ones. Like WTH?
Sarahnade: The chord progression GCD in recorded music. When someone wants to show me a song then talks over it. Quiet music when loud music is equally/more appropriate people at a show who are are completely stoic.
It: I really dislike it when I'm driving in the car and someone can't just listen to one song all the way though and changes it right when I'm getting into it. Also, people who try to talk to me during concerts; I can't hear you, I didn't come to the venue to hear you and unless something crazy is going on you are just hurting my ears by yelling in them.
Chuck: My biggest musical pet peeve is people talking at quiet shows. Story time: July 22, 2009. XX Merge at Cat's Cradle. The Magnetic Fields begin their (wonderful) set. Live, the band tends to go all acoustic, so it's pretty quiet. The bands starts, yet above the music everyone can hear lots of loud chatter at the bar in the back. The entire crowd then shushes them and the venue becomes completely silent, allowing for the music to be the only thing anyone heard. It was great.
DJ Ones: My biggest pet peeve comes from my time in the music director world. It irks me so much when someone sends an album to the station that is in terrible packaging. Instead of a proper CD case with clear listings of the track, artist, and album name, they send you this thin slit that hugs the CD. When that thing goes into our library it disappears beside properly packaged CDs. The labels and artists that get the most spins are usually those with the best packaging.
Do you have a musical pet peeve? Air your grievances in the comment section below.
La Barba Rossa: Down with the hippie twirl!
DJ Stutterz: People who squeeze in front of you at a show like they are moving and then stand two feet in front of you the whole show. Also people who obnoxiously yell cover song titles in hopes of them being played. People at electronic shows who are more concerned with their glowsticks, glowing/flashing light things, fairy wings then they are with the actual music. I understand that it's fun to dress up and all but I hate it when there is more focus on the guy twirling a glowstick ball then there is the actual music.
R. Cory Smith: I cannot stand sirens in music. Like that sh*t at the beginning of Drake and Lil Wayne songs. God, that's awful.
Kyle "El Generalissimo" Robb: When people use "techno" as a blanket term for all electronic music. That 8 foot tall guy at every show who always seems to stake out a spot directly in front of you. You can try leaning to one side, but his subconscious ESP will tell him he needs to lean the same direction.
The Cosmic Cowboy: My pet peeve: the genre of music dubstep.
Mason: Anybody who craps on music on the simple merit that it's "too mainstream." At WKNC, we play different music because it's an opportunity we have as a non-commercial station. We don't have to worry about corporate giants standing over our shoulders wagging money in our faces. It's not like all main-stream music is horrible… only some of it is. Music snobbery drives me insane. Just because music doesn't fit our particular daytime format doesn't mean that a person who listens to it is an idiot. PS, I freaking love BeyoncĂ©'s new album, Brittney's 'new' album, and Kanye West. I've also recently begun to enjoy (I'm behind the times) TLC and Mariah Carey. There is nothing wrong with me. I just appreciate good classics and respect pop hooks from heaven.
Cannibal Cory: I hate it when I listen to a death metal song and can't eat people at the same time.
Dr. J: My musical pet peeve would be people who, in my opinion, think it's cool to think Johnny Cash is cool. What do they know about Johnny Cash? I've listened to Johnny Cash my entire life. Name me six Johnny Cash songs, poser.
.jose jose.: I hate it when people talk sh*t about an artist during the show and then go tell them how much they loved it afterwards.
Cioffi: Scorpions.
One Cool Dude: When people say, "I listen to everything but rap and country."
DJ Shorty Fernarnar: Anytime you go to a concert for your favorite band, and the person sitting next to you doesn't even listen to the band, they're just going to go. So, they act obnoxious and disrespectful while you're trying to listen to your favorite tunes.
Emmaroo: Not to bash on musicians, but could they please stop creating epic buildups that make me want to pee my pants with anticipation and then present a mediocre "hook" of no musical merit. Or who have such a great start to end with an inconsequential chorus. Just to throw some bands under the bus: Foals, After Glow and one Andrew Bird Song the name of which escapes me right now. I think it's from Andrew Bird and the Mysterious Production of Eggs? I can't remember but it pisses me off. Also when people ask if I've heard of a fairly mainstream band and when I say no instead of going "oh it's awesome! you should listen, you'll enjoy it" they make a face and utter something along the lines of "where have you been?" or "are you kidding me how have you not heard them?!". If you're that surprised I haven't heard of the band then just assume I have and don't ask.
Mollypop: Off beat clapping. Like, I understand you're excited. I understand you're drunk. But there is NO NEED to clap when 1) the band hasn't encouraged the clapping and 2) when you're off-beat. F**kers.
DJ Saber: Tweeted this as it happened today in class because it really irks me when people blast their music through their headphones IN A DEAD SILENT AREA. Of course I love music, but not when it's squeezed out of someone else's ear bud. The result is comparable to screaming child who won't calm their sh*t. It's a terrible noise. It's completely unnecessary to turn your music up on full blast in a quiet place.
Shorty Shorts: Long car rides, like a hour or more, of someone's musical taste imposed on me (if I don't like it, of course). I love the music I listen to, but I like to be conscious enough not to make others listen to it if they don't want to. Sure, taste in music is subjective. I get that, and I don't care what you listen to, but if you make me listen to it... for an extended amount of time... I'll hate you.
The Voice of Reason: If I go to a show, I dread seeing folks stand about like the sedated undead. It happens so often as to not be a pet peeve anymore, but it's disheartening to bop around while folks shuffle their feet like having fun is a felony.
Psychonaut: Bands who save their best songs for the encore. Not that I don't enjoy hearing those songs, but because it invalidates the whole idea of the encore. An encore is supposed to be for a band that does a great job and entertains the crowd enough that they want more and more. Instead, they've become a farce where it's essentially the band just taking a break and enjoying a forced round of applause and cheering from the crowd.
DJ Bunch: People who keep moshing during a slow breakdown. Give it a rest for 30 seconds, douche! Also, fat people who try to crowd surf (particularly when the crowd has a disproportionate amount of rail-thin teenagers).
Filthy Rich: Ke$ha. In addition to Ke$ha, another one of my pet peeves is when I'm at a show and people in the crowd start shooting video with their phones. Not only are they waving their arms an inch away from my head and obstructing the view of the stage, they're not really focusing on the show if they're concentrating on making a shitty video. Then, that shitty video will end up on YouTube as a noisy blur that doesn't do the band justice. (Unless, of course, it's Ke$ha.)
DJ Bullcity: Dubstep fanboys that spend twice as much time analyzing dubstep, where it came from, and what qualifies as dubstep, then actually listening to it.
DJ LiViD: When people whistle to a song.
DJ Dylan-ger: When you specifically make a party playlist of seven hours of music to play off your iPod speakers, and then someone comes along and changes it to Lil Wayne, or any other music you could hear at ANY party but your own. And when you try to change it back: "No one knows your music!" Shut up and enjoy my jams I handpicked just for you.
DJ Elly May: I hate when I tell someone specifically that I love a song on the radio in the car and turn it up and then they proceed to talk over it. Helloooo! Shut up!
Captain SKAmerica: Just because you prefer a band's older material, you are automatically referred to as a hipster. Also that one girl at every punk and ska show that stands at the front in the mosh pit and gets mad when people run into her. If you're in the pit, you're gonna get hit. Get it through your head.
Adam Kincaid: Bands, especially local bands, who think they are "too popular" for our station. F**k you. If we can have half of the national touring acts we do come in for interviews you can drag your ass five minutes down the road for a chat once a year. Especially if you owe your local popularity to WKNC's programming. Our LOCAL listeners want to hear from their favorite popular LOCAL acts because they feel a sense of ownership and pride in making your music as well known as it is. I also can't believe no one has mentioned people talking during shows. Shut the hell up about your ex-boyfriends cousins best friend who glared at you at a coffee shop 2 weeks ago and remember she was the one who was wearing that super expensive shirt like she was hot shit and like, OMG, that mole on her arm is sooooooo gross. I'm trying to enjoy myself without hearing your coffee talk. If you have to scream over a concert to have a conversation you are in the wrong place.
Chocolate Rice: iTunes.
DJ C.E.O: When people decide that they want to sing along with me! I quickly tell them that this is not a duet. When people are skimming through their iPod looking for a song and skips all the good songs! Just pause it until you're ready to play something instead of teasing me! When people (mainly my mom) play the same song over, and over, and over again. When I go see an artist live and they let the audience sing a full song. Especially if it's one of my favorites. When I go to a show and the sound system is POOR. When I go to a party and the DJ takes me on an emotional roller coaster by playing really fast songs followed by really slow ones. Like WTH?
Sarahnade: The chord progression GCD in recorded music. When someone wants to show me a song then talks over it. Quiet music when loud music is equally/more appropriate people at a show who are are completely stoic.
It: I really dislike it when I'm driving in the car and someone can't just listen to one song all the way though and changes it right when I'm getting into it. Also, people who try to talk to me during concerts; I can't hear you, I didn't come to the venue to hear you and unless something crazy is going on you are just hurting my ears by yelling in them.
Chuck: My biggest musical pet peeve is people talking at quiet shows. Story time: July 22, 2009. XX Merge at Cat's Cradle. The Magnetic Fields begin their (wonderful) set. Live, the band tends to go all acoustic, so it's pretty quiet. The bands starts, yet above the music everyone can hear lots of loud chatter at the bar in the back. The entire crowd then shushes them and the venue becomes completely silent, allowing for the music to be the only thing anyone heard. It was great.
DJ Ones: My biggest pet peeve comes from my time in the music director world. It irks me so much when someone sends an album to the station that is in terrible packaging. Instead of a proper CD case with clear listings of the track, artist, and album name, they send you this thin slit that hugs the CD. When that thing goes into our library it disappears beside properly packaged CDs. The labels and artists that get the most spins are usually those with the best packaging.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Artists Join Forces for Woodie Guthrie Tribute
Al0ngside all of this Mermaid Avenue will be released as a box-set featuring outtakes and a documentary showcasing the making of the album. Mermaid Avenue was a collaboration where artists including Wilco's Billy Bragg. This is set for a release some time next year.
Note of Hope track listing:
1 “The Note Of Hope” – Van Dyke Parks
2 “Wild Card In The Hole” – Madeleine Peyroux
3 “Ease My Revolutionary Mind” – Tom Morello
4 “The Debt I Owe” – Lou Reed
5 “Union Love Juice” – Michael Franti
6 “Peace Pin Boogie” – Kurt Elling
7 “Voice” – Ani DiFranco
8 “I Heard A Man Talking” – Studs Terkel
9 “Old Folks” – Nellie Mckay
10 “On The High Lonesome” – Chris Whitley
11 “There’s A Feeling In Music” – Pete Seeger & Tony Trischka
12 “You Know The Night” – Jackson Browne
World Cafe Releases 20th Anniversary Compilation
The track listing is:
Disc 1
1 Vampire Weekend - “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa”
2 Beach House - “Zebra”
3 David Gray - “Babylon”
4 Fleet Foxes - “White Winter Hymnal”
5 Joseph Arthur - “Honey And The Moon”
6 Coldplay - “Shiver”
7 LCD Soundsystem - “All My Friends”
8 Brandi Carlile - “Dreams”
9 Ben Folds Five - “Brick”
10 Crash Test Dummies - “Superman Song”
11 Damien Rice - “Volcano”
12 Feist - "1234”
13 The National - “Start A War”
14 Patty Griffin - “Rain”
15 Erin McKeown - “Blackbirds”
16 Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs - “Trouble”
Disc 2
1 Dave Matthews Band - “Ants Marching”
2 Lucinda Williams - “Get Right With God”
3 Dr. Dog - “Shadow People”
4 Dawes - “When My Time Comes”
5 Adele - “Rolling In The Deep”
6 Gregg Allman - "Just Another Rider"
7 Amos Lee - “El Camino”
8 Dan Mangan - “Road Regrets”
9 Old 97’s - “Every Night Is Friday Night (Without You)”
10 The Decemberists - “This Is Why We Fight”
11 Bobby Long - “Who Have You Been Loving?”
12 Fitz & The Tantrums - “MoneyGrabber”
13 James - “Say Something”
14 Black Dub - “Surely”
15 Justin Townes Earle - “Christchurch Woman”
16 Bert Jansch - “BlackWaterSide”
For more information on the compilation or how to donate to WXPN you can visit their website here.
DJ Ones,
World Cafe,
Friday, August 26, 2011
Get Forked
Just John and I had the pleasure of attending the sixth annual Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago's Union Park on the weekend of July 14-16. It was hot. Really hot. The crowds came, though, and were treated to great performance after great performance. Every show I saw over the weekend was top-notch. The festival's treatment of its fans was also top-notch. Thousands of bottles of water were passed out to the crowds to keep them hydrated (no thanks to the goons who just threw water everywhere instead of drinking it). Security were friendly throughout the entire weekend. Two air-conditioned city buses were brought in to help cool down festival-goers. What follows is a list of superlatives of some of the best, worst, and weirdest moments of the festival. Enjoy.
Best light show: The giant glowing crystals at Animal Collective
Biggest asshole: Ariel Pink, throwing another temper-tantrum and walking off stage halfway through his set
Most "f**k"s per minute: Odd Future
Highest number of gray-hairs in the crowd: Guided By Voices
Coolest stage wear: Nika Danilova of Zola Jesus' very modern dress
Best mosh pit: No Age (which I stayed in for about five minutes too long, causing a short bout of heat sickness)
Best dance moves: Cold Cave's Dominick Fernow, whose stomp-n-spin move was endlessly entertaining
Biggest dance party: Cut Copy, who got an entire field of thousands of people to dance
Most frequent weed clouds: Curren$y, unsurprisingly
Worst scheduling decision: Two-way tie between scheduling Odd Future and Shabazz Palaces, two of the festival's five hip-hop acts, on at the same time and putting DJ Shadow on when the sun was still out, making his projector-using "Shadowsphere" completely useless (though, to the festival's credit, they really couldn't have put him anywhere else)
Best facial hair: Ian Williams of Battles, whose handlebar-stache perfectly matched his swanky get-up
People who should have passed out from heat stroke but, miraculously, didn't: Yuck's Daniel Blumberg, who wore jeans and a long-sleeve, denim button-down and Cold Cave's Wesley Eisold and Dominick Fernow, both in black jeans, black shirts, and black leather jackets.
Animal Collective,
Ariel Pink,
Cold Cave,
Cut Copy,
DJ Shadow,
Guided By Voices,
No Age,
Odd Future,
Pitchfork Music Festival,
Shabazz Palaces,
Zola Jesus
Bon Iver and James Blake Collaborate on New Track
On August 17 James Blake's Twitter (@jamesblake) sparked mentions of a collaboration between himself and Bon Iver. BBC Radio 1 had the pleasure of debuting the collaboration August 24. The song "Fall Creek Boys Choir" features the experimental electronica sense of both artists, as the vocals layer into a whirlwind of sultry electronica goodness. The vocals were performed on behalf of Bon Iver with James Blake backing the production aspect of the track. The song will be available for purchase on August 29. You can listen to the collaboration below.!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Florence and the Machine Reveal New Album Plans
Florence and the Machine are set to release their sophomore full length November 7 in the UK. No exact date has been announced for the rest of the world, but it is expected the album it will be released later in November. The currently untitled LP is set to follow-up the massively successful debut, Lungs, which was released in 2009. Alongside of this news, Florence and the Machine have released a new song titled "What the Water Gave Me." The soulful new song is available to listen to below.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Girl Talk at Raleigh Amphitheater!
Photography by WKNC Photographer Katie Hill
Girl Talk
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Want to see more WKNC photos? Visit our Flickr site!
Girl Talk
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Want to see more WKNC photos? Visit our Flickr site!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Local Beat preview 8/12/11
It's another flashback on "The Local Beat" Aug. 12 as we dive into the vault once again to uncover some great interviews from the past year. This week, however, we are not dropping too far back as we relive some interviews from the past couple of months.
The first hour will be our interview with Kelly Reid and Suzie Hook from Sound Situations, recorded in June. Sound Situations is a fantastic new local music based interview and performance TV program on the Raleigh Public Access Channel. So far the show has several new episodes under its belt. Kelly and Suzie joined me to talk about the new show and what plans they had in store for it.
At 6 p.m. we will rehash and interview with one of my favorite local bands: I Was Totally Destroying It. IWTDI came on "The Local Beat" back in April to discuss their newest album, Preludes, which was being released at the time. John and Rachel are always fantastic guests and I have yet to have a dull conversation with the duo.
The last hour was one of my all-time favorites in recent memory with The Small Ponds and Filthybird. Both bands played at Marsh Woodwinds on May 20, which turned out to be my favorite show from Spring 2011. Both groups have a lot of new material which the Small Ponds played live for us in studio.
As always "The Local Beat" starts at 5 p.m. and runs through 8 p.m. every Friday evening on WKNC. Listen live here and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and ReverbNation!
At 6 p.m. we will rehash and interview with one of my favorite local bands: I Was Totally Destroying It. IWTDI came on "The Local Beat" back in April to discuss their newest album, Preludes, which was being released at the time. John and Rachel are always fantastic guests and I have yet to have a dull conversation with the duo.
The last hour was one of my all-time favorites in recent memory with The Small Ponds and Filthybird. Both bands played at Marsh Woodwinds on May 20, which turned out to be my favorite show from Spring 2011. Both groups have a lot of new material which the Small Ponds played live for us in studio.
As always "The Local Beat" starts at 5 p.m. and runs through 8 p.m. every Friday evening on WKNC. Listen live here and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and ReverbNation!
Top 30—WKNC’s Top Albums of the Week 8/16
Each week, the WKNC music directors tally up spins for new releases and submit their top charts to CMJ.
CMJ Top 200 from WKNC’s Daytime Indie Rock
Artist | Album | Label | |
#1 | SBTRKT | SBTRKT | XL-Young Turks |
#2 | MEMORY TAPES | Player Piano | Carpark |
#3 | MOTOPONY | Motopony | tinyOGRE |
#4 | BODIES OF WATER | Twist Again | Thousand Tongues |
#5 | MIDDLE EAST | I Want That You Are Always Happy | Missing Piece |
#6 | BALKANS | Balkans | Double Phantom |
#7 | TEAM ME | Team Me | Propeller |
#8 | BRILLIANT COLORS | Again And Again | Slumberland |
#9 | BANDANA SPLITS | Mr. Sam Presents The Bandana Splits | |
#10 | SALLIE FORD AND THE SOUND OUTSIDE | Dirty Radio | Partisan |
CMJ Loud Rock from WKNC’s Chainsaw Rock
Artist | Album | Label | |
#1 | TOXIC HOLOCAUST | Conjure And Command | Relapse |
#2 | FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE | Agony | Nuclear Blast |
#3 | ANTHRAX | Worship Music Sampler | Megaforce |
#4 | SKALMOLD | Baldur | Napalm |
#5 | DIR EN GREY | Dum Spiro Spero | The End |
#6 | SVARTSOT | Maledictus Eris | Napalm |
#7 | EXHUMED | All Guts, No Glory | Relapse |
#8 | UNKIND | Harhakuvat | Relapse |
#9 | WORLD UNDER BLOOD | Tactical | Nuclear Blast |
#10 | DIRGE WITHIN | "Absolution" [Single] | Century Media |
CMJ Hip-Hop from WKNC’s Underground
Artist | Album | Label | |
#1 | MF DOOM | "Gazillion Ear" [Single] | |
#2 | CANNIBAL OX | Angels & Insects | |
#3 | JEDI MIND TRICKS | Put Em In The Grave | |
#4 | PETE ROCK & C.L. SMOOTH | "I Get Physical" [Single] | |
#5 | ACTUAL PROOF | "Get It Done" [Single] | |
#6 | BIG L | "Put It On" [Single] | |
#7 | SHABAZZ PALACES | Swerve The Reeping Of All That Is Worthwhile | |
#8 | SHANE ELI | I Can Do Better | |
#9 | SOLE AND THE SKYRIDER BAND | Hello Cruel World | Fake Four |
#10 | MEDIAN | Median's Relief | Halftooth |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
8.11 LBLB Photo Recap
Photography by WKNC Photographer Katie Hill
Some Army
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Onward, Soldiers
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Want to see more WKNC photos? Visit our flickr site!
Some Army
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Onward, Soldiers
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Want to see more WKNC photos? Visit our flickr site!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Back to School Giveaways!
With all the students moving back to campus and all the fun activities going on this week (Wolfstock and FTW!, for starters), we here at WKNC couldn't help but get excited and have a ton of awesome giveaways for you lovely listeners.
Here's what you should stayed tuned in for this week:
8/19: Alex Kotch, Tyler Hypnosis, Phil Cook and his Feat, H.U.S.S., Locus Recordings @ The Pinhook
8/20: Birds and Arrows, Caleb Caudel and the Bayonets, Jeff Crawford @ The Pinhook
8/20: Peter Lamb and the Wolves with Shana Tucker @ Casbah
8/20: Dntel with The One AM Radio and Geotic @ Kings
8/20: Archers of Loaf, Hammer No More the Fingers, Cobra Horse @ Cat's Cradle

8/24: Richard Buckner and David Kilgour @ The ArtsCenter
PLUS Pictureplane's new album, Thee Physical
Keep our requests lines on your speed dial so when the WKNC DJ asks for it, you can be a winner!
Here's what you should stayed tuned in for this week:
8/19: Alex Kotch, Tyler Hypnosis, Phil Cook and his Feat, H.U.S.S., Locus Recordings @ The Pinhook
8/20: Birds and Arrows, Caleb Caudel and the Bayonets, Jeff Crawford @ The Pinhook
8/20: Peter Lamb and the Wolves with Shana Tucker @ Casbah
8/20: Dntel with The One AM Radio and Geotic @ Kings
8/20: Archers of Loaf, Hammer No More the Fingers, Cobra Horse @ Cat's Cradle
8/24: Richard Buckner and David Kilgour @ The ArtsCenter
PLUS Pictureplane's new album, Thee Physical
Keep our requests lines on your speed dial so when the WKNC DJ asks for it, you can be a winner!
EOT64 Ramadan 8/2/11
This week's feature is on the Islam holy month of Ramadan.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Identity Festival hits Charlotte
Live Nation's Skullcandy Identity Festival kicked off its American tour on August 11, which has electronica lovers nationwide all hyped up. With three stages and numerous acts, it promises to be a rowdy dance party. It might be overwhelming for some, but it will definitely be a great end to your summer (which ever date you make it to).
The festival is hitting North Carolina on Tuesday, August 16, and Charlotte's Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre is set for an amazing lineup! The quality and amount of artists booked for the show has me incredibly excited about an adventure to the Queen City. I'm most excited about Rusko, Nero, and Steve Aoki, but the rest of it will be great as well. Datsik, Chuckie, and DJ Shadow are also at the top of my to-do list.
As far as safety & fun goes:
As far as safety & fun goes:
- Take a map & event lineup
- Be open to new music
- Only take permitted items (see official site for details)
Local Beat preview 8/12/11
Friday, August 12 on "The Local Beat" is the beginning of our next Local Beat Flashback Series which we do one month a year. Throughout the rest of August we will be looking back at past episodes and dusting off some oldies from the vault.
This week we are bringing back two Local Beat Mini Exclusives from April and a live interview from back in November 2010.
Starting off the hour will be an interview we did on November 5, 2010 with members from The Light Pines. The Light Pines have been in the news recently with their free downloadable release of their debut album which came out just a short time ago. In the interview from last year we talked about that new album and the future plans of the band. It should be interesting to see how things panned out for the group between November and now.
The second hour of the show goes to a Local Beat Mini Exclusive from April with The Huguenots. The band's bassist, York, came in to chat about the band's debut release. However, not even two weeks after the interview with me, the band called it quits. Still, it made for an interesting conversation.
The final hour of the episode belongs to another April Mini Exclusive, this one with Adam Eckhardt of A Rooster For The Masses, who sat down with me to chat about their newest album, No One Is Ready. Adam is always a great conversationalist and it made for some fantastic discussions.
As always "The Local Beat" starts at 5 p.m. and runs through 8 p.m. every Friday evening on WKNC. Listen live here and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and ReverbNation!
This week we are bringing back two Local Beat Mini Exclusives from April and a live interview from back in November 2010.
Starting off the hour will be an interview we did on November 5, 2010 with members from The Light Pines. The Light Pines have been in the news recently with their free downloadable release of their debut album which came out just a short time ago. In the interview from last year we talked about that new album and the future plans of the band. It should be interesting to see how things panned out for the group between November and now.
The second hour of the show goes to a Local Beat Mini Exclusive from April with The Huguenots. The band's bassist, York, came in to chat about the band's debut release. However, not even two weeks after the interview with me, the band called it quits. Still, it made for an interesting conversation.
The final hour of the episode belongs to another April Mini Exclusive, this one with Adam Eckhardt of A Rooster For The Masses, who sat down with me to chat about their newest album, No One Is Ready. Adam is always a great conversationalist and it made for some fantastic discussions.
As always "The Local Beat" starts at 5 p.m. and runs through 8 p.m. every Friday evening on WKNC. Listen live here and be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and ReverbNation!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Top 20—WKNC’s Top Albums of the Week 8/9
Each week, the WKNC music directors tally up spins for new releases and submit their top charts to CMJ.
CMJ Hip-Hop from WKNC’s Underground
Artist | Album | Label | |
#1 | ACTUAL PROOF | "Get It Done" [Single] | |
#3 | MEDIAN | Median's Relief | Halftooth |
#4 | BIG L | "Put It On" [Single] | |
#5 | SOLE AND THE SKYRIDER BAND | Hello Cruel World | Fake Four |
#6 | P-FUNK THE KING | Fall Classic | |
#7 | SHANE ELI | I Can Do Better | |
#8 | REEK DA VILLIAN | Fall In Line | |
#9 | DJ MUGGS AND ILL BILL | Secrets Worth Dying For | |
#10 | ONCUE | "Walk With Me" [Single] |
CMJ Loud Rock from WKNC’s Chainsaw Rock
Artist | Album | Label | |
#1 | MASTODON | "Black Tongue" [Single] | Reprise |
#2 | PSYCHOSTICK | Space Vampires Vs Zombie Dinosaurs In 3D | Rock Ridge |
#3 | TOXIC HOLOCAUST | Conjure And Command | Relapse |
#4 | SVARTSOT | Maledictus Eris | Napalm |
#5 | DIR EN GREY | Dum Spiro Spero | The End |
#6 | UNKIND | Harhakuvat | Relapse |
#7 | DYING FETUS | History Repeats… | Relapse |
#8 | EXHUMED | All Guts, No Glory | Relapse |
#9 | WORLD UNDER BLOOD | Tactical | Nuclear Blast |
#10 | FAIR TO MIDLAND | Arrows And Anchors | E1 |
Sunday, August 7, 2011
8.5 LBLB Photo Recap
Photography by WKNC Photographer Katie Hill
Kid Future
I hope yall have been able to experience Kid Future because this past Thursday night at Tir na nOg was there last show! The lead singer is moving to Texas, drummer lives in Boston, and the pianist's beard "is getting too big to sing." This is the second time I've seen them at LBLB, and they only got better. From the charisma emanating from the lead singer's presence, to the flashy yet talented style of the drummer, and the great back-up harmonies from the bearded keyboardist, they had definitely put a spell on the crowd. Poppy without being cheesy, soulful without being sad, and rocking without all that obnoxious noise—I'm going to miss these guys.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Big Picture
If you haven't experienced Big Picture, that needs to be next on your list. It took them about 45 minutes to set up for their 8-member band on that compact nOg stage, but it was so worth the wait. They start off with one of the drummers belting inspirational spoken word to a hushed room... "eradicate 'cannot' from your vocabulary...the Big Picture, yall." Then sound explodes from every instrument: two sets of drums, four guitars, and two keyboards, even a few tambourines. Finally the lead singer leaps on stage with his modern-day gladiator/lacrosse padding, gloves, and helmet, and jumps and hollers to get everyone pumped. He sings every now and then throughout each song, but the sound of all those instruments mixing with the sound of his voice are what really makes the experience. You can't exactly understand the lyrics, but you can feel what he means. Every now and then he broke out his ukelele, plucking away, probably for his own entertainment. Not quite classic rock, too much technicality for post rock, but not really that indie-techno noise either. It's simply an awesome experience. This is also the second time I've seen them, and I would not hesitate to go back for a third.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Kid Future
I hope yall have been able to experience Kid Future because this past Thursday night at Tir na nOg was there last show! The lead singer is moving to Texas, drummer lives in Boston, and the pianist's beard "is getting too big to sing." This is the second time I've seen them at LBLB, and they only got better. From the charisma emanating from the lead singer's presence, to the flashy yet talented style of the drummer, and the great back-up harmonies from the bearded keyboardist, they had definitely put a spell on the crowd. Poppy without being cheesy, soulful without being sad, and rocking without all that obnoxious noise—I'm going to miss these guys.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Big Picture
If you haven't experienced Big Picture, that needs to be next on your list. It took them about 45 minutes to set up for their 8-member band on that compact nOg stage, but it was so worth the wait. They start off with one of the drummers belting inspirational spoken word to a hushed room... "eradicate 'cannot' from your vocabulary...the Big Picture, yall." Then sound explodes from every instrument: two sets of drums, four guitars, and two keyboards, even a few tambourines. Finally the lead singer leaps on stage with his modern-day gladiator/lacrosse padding, gloves, and helmet, and jumps and hollers to get everyone pumped. He sings every now and then throughout each song, but the sound of all those instruments mixing with the sound of his voice are what really makes the experience. You can't exactly understand the lyrics, but you can feel what he means. Every now and then he broke out his ukelele, plucking away, probably for his own entertainment. Not quite classic rock, too much technicality for post rock, but not really that indie-techno noise either. It's simply an awesome experience. This is also the second time I've seen them, and I would not hesitate to go back for a third.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Fourth Annual Mystery Roach Covers Show: 8/27/2011
The Fourth Annual Mystery Roach Covers Show is coming soon! On Saturday, August 28, I’ll be playing original tracks from the 50s, 60s or 70s along with a cover version from any decade and style.
If you have any requests or suggestions, post them here, on the Facebook fan page, or email them to me.
Below are the playlists from the previous three years to give you an idea of what this year’s show will be like.
Tune in to Mystery Roach every Saturday from 8-10am on WKNC for Progressive, Fusion, Psychedelic, Garage and noise from the 60s and 70s. (The 50s are fair game for the cover show as well.)
-La Barba Rossa
2010 Show
2009 Show
2008 Show
If you have any requests or suggestions, post them here, on the Facebook fan page, or email them to me.
Below are the playlists from the previous three years to give you an idea of what this year’s show will be like.
Tune in to Mystery Roach every Saturday from 8-10am on WKNC for Progressive, Fusion, Psychedelic, Garage and noise from the 60s and 70s. (The 50s are fair game for the cover show as well.)
-La Barba Rossa
2010 Show
Song | Artist |
You're Lost Little Girl | 69 Eyes |
You're Lost Little Girl | The Doors |
Shapes Of Things | Rush |
Shapes Of Things | The Yardbirds |
21st Century Schizoid Man | Maynard James Keenan |
21st Century Schizoid Man | King Crimson |
So Sad About Us | The Breeders |
So Sad About Us | The Who |
Dancing In The Moonlight | The Smashing Pumkins |
Dancing In The Moonlight | Thin Lizzy |
Bright Lit Blue Skies | Ariel Pinks Haunted Graffiti |
Bright Lit Blue Skies | The Rockin Ramrods |
Tippie-toes | Primus |
Tippie-toes | The Meters |
King Kong | Meridian Arts Ensemble |
King Kong | Frank Zappa |
America | Yes |
America | Paul Simon |
Splash 1 | Bongwater |
Splash 1 | 13th Floor Elevators |
Ballad Of Hollis Brown | Iggy Pop and the Stooges |
Ballad Of Hollis Briwn | Bob Dylan |
Interstellar Overdrive | Camper Van Beethoven |
Interstellar Overdrive | Pink Floyd |
2009 Show
Song | Artist |
Return Of Jackie And Judy | Tom Waits |
Judy Is A Punk | Ramones |
Li'l Red Riding Hood | Meteors |
Li'l Red Riding Hood | Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs |
Sinister Exaggerator | Primus |
Sinister Exaggerator | Residents |
Sally Go Round The Roses | The Great Society |
Sally Go Round The Roses | Jaynetts |
Ready-Mades | Yo La Tengo |
Ready-Mades | Bonzo Dog Band |
Chunga's Revenge | Frank Zappa |
Chunga's Revenge | Grotan Project |
Love Buzz | Nirvana |
Love Buzz | The Shocking Blue |
You Don't Own Me | Rasputina |
You Don't Own Me | Lesley Gore |
Good Guys Don't Wear White | Minor Threat |
Good Guys Don't Wear White | The Standells |
Farmer John | Neil Young And Crazy Hourse |
Farmer John | The Premiers |
Masculine Intuition | Rocket From The Crypt |
Masculine Intuition | The Music Machine |
Mushroom | Jesus And Mary Chain |
Mushroom | Can |
Cross-eyed Mary | Iron Maiden |
Cross-eyed Mary | Jethro Tull |
21st Century Schizoid Man | April Wine |
21st Century Schizoid Man | King Crimson |
2008 Show
Song | Artist |
The Dolphins | Beth Orton |
The Dolphins | Fred Neil |
Here She Comes Now | Nirvana |
Here She Comes Now | Velvet Underground |
China Girl | David Bowie |
China Girl | Iggy Pop |
People Are Strange | Twiztid |
People Are Strange | The Doors |
Sympathy For The Devil | Brian Ferry |
Sympathy For The Devil | Rolling Stones |
Happy Together | Frank Zappa |
Happy Together | The Turtles |
War Pigs | Alice Donut |
War Pigs | Black Sabbath |
Have A Cigar | Primus |
Have A Cigar | Pink Floyd |
Steppin Stone | Minor Threat |
Steppin Stone | The Monkees |
Pictures Of Matchstick Men | Camper Van Beethoven |
Pictures Of Matchstick Men | Status Quo |
Happiness Is A Warm Gun | The Breeders |
Happiness Is A Warm Gun | The Beatles |
I Fought The Law | The Clash |
I Fiought the Law | The Bobby Fuller Four |
Ring Of Fire | Social Distortion |
Ring Of Fire | Johnny Cash |
I Put A Spell On You | CCR |
I Put a Spell on You | Screamin Jay Hawkins |
Higer Ground | Red Hot Chili Peppers |
Higher Ground | Stevie Wonder |
Friday, August 5, 2011
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings Bring Melancholy Folk to NCMA
Wow. Take all your expectations of Gillian Welch's mournful voice and David Rawlings's flawless guitar riffs from your favorite albums, whether it be the most recent The Harrow and the Harvest or the now 14 year-old Revival, and sum them all into one balmy evening. If you add a bit more guitar and bit more emotion, as well as interjections from Gillian and David, you just might have what we had the pleasure of experiencing August 3 at the North Carolina Museum of Art.
Fans from all walks of life were pleased-- old fans who had been with Gil since the beginning, or new hip 20-somethings who heard them on NPR. There were children with mothers, falling asleep to the lullaby sounds of slower numbers, and curly-topped youngsters bouncing to the banjo lines, and of course, the Rawlings tune "Sweet Tooth". The brief rain couldn't put a damper on anyone, not even Gillian and David. They were pleased with the temperature drop and claimed it wasn't raining, just "really humid". The rain brought more people to the front, some to dance, others to take cover in the overhang, and more still just to get closer to their folk idols. As a huge Gillian Welch fan, this was probably one of the best shows I've been to so far this year. Local artists came out, surely paying homage to one of their influences-- I think I saw some members from Kickin' Grass Band, Mandolin Orange, and Midtown Dickens.
Gillian and David get the award for mixing the new and the old impeccably. The crowd was especially pleased with "Red Clay Halo", "Caleb Meyer", and of course, "Orphan Girl" was requested at least a dozen times (though, notably, not performed). As an Ohio native, one of my favorites was "Look at Miss Ohio," closely followed by one of the encores "Six White Horses". Their minimalist sound and traditional instrumentation was perfect for this North Carolinian show, providing a sense of belonging when playing "Tear my Stillhouse Down".
I will admit that I probably cried at least twice during the show, enjoying Welch's melancholy melodies and bittersweet harmonies of Rawlings. I wanted to quit looking like such a wuss so I started focusing on the precision of David's guitar. Then I got caught in a predicament-- whether to focus on the guitar or the vocals. I was soon comforted by a fellow DJ's insight; Gillian's voice and David's guitar complete each other. Awww.
This was the third of four shows I plan on attending at the North Carolina Museum of Art this summer; the line up has been so amazing. Check out blogs about Bela Fleck, Lucinda Williams, and soon to come, The Carolina Chocolate Drops. As always, if you're looking for the best in Americana, tune in to Americana, Blues, and Company every Saturday from 10-noon.
bela fleck,
David Rawlings,
David Rawlings Machine,
gillian welch,
Hell Among the Yearlings,
Kickin Grass Band,
lucinda williams,
Mandolin Orange,
Midtown Dickens,
North Carolina Museum of Art,
Soul Journey,
The Carolina Chocolate Drops,
The Harrow and the harvest,
The Revelator
WKNC Interviews Dom/ Acoustic Performance of "Jesus"
Jesus - Dom (Acoustic Studio Performance):
Jesus (Acoustic)- Dom
Dom Interview:
Dom Interview
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Avi Buffalo Interviews, Plays Unreleased Song
Check below for their acoustic performance of this track as performed in our studios, as well as an unreleased track, "Won't Be Around No More." An interview with DJ Don of Time follows, where you can hear the band discuss touring Europe (it's really old), influences, and the struggles of touring!
How Come- Avi Buffalo (Acoustic Studio Performance):
How Come
Won't Be Around No More- Avi Buffalo (Acoustic Studio Performance)
Won't Be Around No More
Avi Buffalo Interview
Avi Buffalo Interview With Don Of Time
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Troubel Visits Americana, Blues, and Co. for an In-Studio Interview
Troubel is a budding local folk/bluegrass band comprised of former members of Carolina Roadkill. Two members, Adam and Anna (soon to both be Walton), came in to Americana, Blues, and Company on July 23 for a short interview and to play a few songs for us. Below you can find our discussions about local music, influences, and how we all got into bluegrass as well as performances of "Darlin", off their first album The Mountains. The Broken., and an unreleased song, "Lost at Sea". Troubel is on tour throughout the first few weeks of August -- come check them out! They are definitely a band to keep on your radar.
Check out the interview:
Troubel Live In Studio 1
Troubel Live in Studio 2
Troubel -- Live in Studio 3
Troubel -- Live in studio 4
Check out the interview:
Troubel Live In Studio 1
Troubel Live in Studio 2
Troubel -- Live in Studio 3
Troubel -- Live in studio 4
We have Death Cab for Cutie tickets!
Indie rock band Death Cab for Cutie will perform at Cary's Koka Booth Amphitheatre Monday, August 8 - and we have tickets! When the WKNC DJ asks for it, be the correct caller for your chance to win a pair of tickets to the show. Just a reminder to put it on your speed dial, our studio lines are (919) 860-0881 or (919) 515-2400.
Death Cab's latest album, "Codes and Keys," was release late May 2011. Scottish indie rock band Frightened Rabbit will open.
Death Cab's latest album, "Codes and Keys," was release late May 2011. Scottish indie rock band Frightened Rabbit will open.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Shins Sign to Columbia
After some time apart it looks as if The Shins are back to making music once again. The Shins, who have been working on new material as of late, are set to release a new album sometime next year via Aural Apothecary/Columbia. Alongside of the news of signing to Columbia, The Shins have also announced a brief tour from August through early October.
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