Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally, The Love Language in-studio interview from 5/8/09

Go ahead, pull out the wooden ruler and lay down a good whack across the top of my hands.  I've been a bad WKNC blogger.  If I was being graded on timeliness, there would be a big red "F" at the top of this blog, but, thankfully, you as a blog-reader & lover of WKNC would never employ such emotional damage like that of my former college professors, right?

And although this does not relate to the interview, I wanted to post this pic.  Jake Seaton over at Music.MyNC deilvers a wonderful tweet,, and this picture was in his feed recently.  Jake, I won't ask why you weren't blasting WKNC 88.1fm.  I will assume that  you must have been driving your car, nearing the US-Canadian border, out of our 25,000 watt listening area.

The Love Language, as heard and pictured by Jake Seaton

The Love Language in-studio interview, 5/8/09

Air Break, and intro


Live, in-studio song: Providence, complete with a newly introduced flute solo

The Love Language - "Providence" LIVE in studio 5/8/09

Air break, talk of SXSW


Live, in-studio song: Night Dogs

The Love Language - "Night Dogs" LIVE in studio 5/8/09

Air break,


Live, in-studio song: Manteo, great harmonizing vocals

The Love Language - "Manteo" LIVE in studio 5/8/09

Air break, closing and talk of how to mail Stu a check


:hearts and guitars:

Mz. Kelly,


  1. This just makes me happy, like pretzels and nutella happy.

  2. [...] last short set comes from The Love Language and the band’s set on WKNC from May 8. It took a while for the station to get the band’s interview and set up, [...]
