Monday, June 1, 2009

Sad News for Triangle Music: Bombadil Taking A Break

One of WKNC's longtime favorite local acts Bombadil is taking a break from touring indefinitely due to the health issues of band members.  They released this today:

Taken from Bombadil's MySpace

Today we arrive with some bad news. As many of you have become aware, Daniel has been dealing with severe tendonitis in his hands since 2007. Things have gotten progressively worse and have reached a point where he cannot brush his teeth without feeling pain, much less perform with the rest of the band. As such we feel it's best to cancel all of the remaining shows on our schedule.
Needless to say, this brings us great sadness. We tried to limit Daniel's movements on stage, but it seems that even sitting in a chair and simply singing on stage was impeding his recovery. At the end of the day, we did not feel that it was in the artistic spirit of the band to continue and play shows without him.
It is not clear when we will be able to perform again--some doctors say that a 3 month break would suffice, while others forecast a 2-year recovery period. But in the meantime, we'll be writing new songs and keeping you up to date of our activities. We see this merely as a road bump on the long road that is this band, and as soon as Daniel is able to perform music again, we'll be visiting a town near you.
Our new record will still come out on July 7th, and you will be able to find it at a few select records stores, iTunes, eMusic,, and this very website. We are so excited to share it with the world and are exploring alternative ideas for some sort of release party. For now, we've put up two new songs on myspace: Oto the Bear and So Many Ways to Die. We are also now accepting pre-orders for the record here. Pre-orders will ship from Bombadil HQ here in Durham on July 1.

We are so grateful for the support everyone has shown over the years. Without your ears and encouragement none of this would have been possible.  Stay in touch and look out for more updates on the horizon!

-Bryan, James, Daniel, and Stuart

WKNC wishes the best to the band, and their fans, and a speedy recovery to Daniel.  In the meantime, be sure to catch their new album on rotation on 88.1 around the clock.

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