Monday, January 19, 2009

Murdoc's Local Music Picture Blog 2

Welcome back to the Local Music Picture Blog!

This week is another showcase of Local Beer, Local Band featuring The Jackets and Brett Harris.

The night got kicked off with The Jackets performing their fourth live show. The Jackets describe themselves as a "high powered electric harmony quartet" and is comprised of Roger Gupton, Evans Nicholson, with John Teer and Chandler Holt from Chatham County Line.


John Teer of The Jackets


I think this is Roger Gupton, or if I am wrong it is Chandler Holt...


And if this isn't Chandlet Holt, it is Rodger Gupton

Evans Nicholson of The Jackets. Haha, someone I can put a name to!


The Jackets have a solid Americana Pop sound that fits in great with the personality of Tir Na Nog


After the break, Brett Harris got his set kicked off. Brett Harris is a Durham based singer/song writer who plays with members from Bright Young Things. Brett dropped by The Local Lunch eariler in the day for a quick interview. Brett Harris has released two cds in the past year, and is about to start recording for his third.


Singing, playing the keyboard & guitar, and writing songs are just a few of Brett Harris's talents.


The guitarist of Bright Young Things. BYT have been playing with Brett Harris for a little over a year.


His face says it all. The music was so relaxing that sitting back with a White Russian was about the only correct thing to do.

Brett Harris with members of Bright Young Things


Brett Harris's set featured music for his albums Side Two, Yesterday's News, and his soon to be recorded third album.


Click on any picture to view the full gallery

1 comment:

  1. That's Chandler Holt in the first picture, John Teer in the second and Roger Gupton in the third.

    We have some videos from their first performance posted here:
