Friday, January 9, 2009

It May Not Be Metal, But You Can Still Head Bang If Ya Want.

Welcome to my first installment of the (at least biweekly) Local Music Picture Blog!

A Tin Djinn and Goner rocked out WKNC & Tir Na Nog's Local Beer, Local Band last night (1/08/09), and if you weren't there, you missed something great. The night started off with A Tin Djinn who lost a lot of their equipment recently in fire, but it didn't stop them from jamming out with a strange mix of music that can only be described as truly unique. I couldn't figure out if I wanted to get up and dance or sit back and chill with a cold brew. And if you can get past the polka-dot jump suit, face paint, and trench coat combination, A Tin Djinn may be the band for you.

A Tin Djinn: If you were to take The Pixies and Queen, extract their DNA and then cross breed them in some strange animal orgy, you would get A Tin Djinn. Think mellow, not quite hard rock... hard rock.

Polka Dot Jump Suit? Check. Face paint? Check. Trench Coat? Check. Ok, looks like you're fit to jam.

A Tin Djinn Jammin'

Goner: Think a high energy funk-tastic rock show, that urges you to get up and move. Goner has played Local Beer, Local Band several times now and they bring a set full of energy and excitement that you can't help but want to get up and thrash around to, even though it isn't the type of music you associate encouraging mosh pits.

When you go to a show, one of the best things you want to see is everyone facing the stage.

Goner's Scott Phillips reminds you to smile.

Goner's Greg Eyman on bass and Chris Dalton plays drums.

If you could see through the bass head, you could see the intense focus on Goner's Chris Dalton's face.

Goner's Greg Eyman on bass.

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