Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tagging to take us with you....

As the semester winds down and students begin embarking off on their individual lives outside of school, we here at WKNC would like to remind you that you can take us with you anywhere you go.  Whether you're staying in the area (a very wide area in WKNC's case, since we now broadcast in 25,000 watts!) and still tuning in the old-fashioned way at 88.1FM, or if you're heading out of the area you can tune in from anywhere online at www.wknc.org/listen.

And, if you have a smart phone, you can even get on the internet that way to listen.  Just in case you forget about all I've just said, the street team here at WKNC spent the morning Monday tagging the Free Expression Tunnel on NC State's campus as a friendly reminder.  So take a stroll, have a listen, and keep us with you all summer long!

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