Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sessions@KNC: Boylion

Photographs taken by WKNC photographer Katie Hill Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Photo by Katie Hill Photo by Katie Hill

Boylion (Robert Finck) is a champ.  I mean, come on.  He plays a classical guitar, which sounds amazing only because it's falling apart.  He's got connections with upright bass players all over the state.  He's a connoisseur of jorts.   On top of all that, he's one of the most dynamic performers to set foot in the Caldwell Lounge.  Alongside bassist Nate Goldsmith, Finck's expressions progress from whispers to a roar.

From the arhythmic declarations of "I Can Only Build Coffins" to the new, unreleased track "October," this session is dense with personality and emotion.  Do yourself a favor by listening to "Leafless Weeks" below and importing each of the songs into your iTunes library (free mp3's at the bottom, duh)!

Boylion's next listed show is at The Station in Carrboro, on June 17th.  Also, read more about his debut LP, BOYLION, here.

The Olive-Skinned Sirens.mp3

Photo by Katie Hill



Lost on Your Sea.mp3

I Can Only Build Coffins_Roots of Hickory Elm and Ash

Leafless Weeks.mp3

As I Circled 'Round.mp3

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