Monday, May 10, 2010

Nashville needs your help

Many of you may have heard about the recent flooding in Nashville, Tennessee due to torrential rains.  While the rains have come and gone, the water still hasn't.  I visit Nashville frequently to see friends and can't help thinking now, seeing pictures of flooded streets, how I was just there last in October.  Fortunately, my friends are fine; however, many individuals and businesses in Nashville are not.  Places I saw just six months ago are now awash with muddy floodwater.  The Grand Ole Opry has had to relocate temporarily, and Vanderbilt University has had to postpone their exams.

Nashville is Music City, USA, and it is disheartening to think what might be lost if they don't receive the help they so desperately need.  Clean-up will undoubtedly take time, but it is important that we remember our neighbors to the west and do what we can so they can get back to making music and everyday life as soon as possible.  If you're looking for ways to help, you can contact Hands On Nashville or the Middle Tennessee Red Cross.  Nashvillest also has information on their website about ways to help as well as resources for victims in case someone you know or love was affected.

1 comment:

  1. You can also go here: to find out more information. Thanks for the link DJ Molly Pop!
