Sunday, December 18, 2011

EOT78 Best of 2011 12/13/11

Over the Edge - Hosted by the Special Olympics, the program involves participants rappelling from high-rise buildings to help benefit the organization.

Bike Winner - One lucky man won a bike through a newspaper advertisement, and Chris brings us his story.

Soccer News - Where we usually offer a summary on the recent soccer games, this particular segment brings us some very unusual news from the soccer world.

Taco Trucks - In an award-winning piece, contributor Mark explains what taco trucks are all about and how they separate themselves from the other food trucks in the area.

Fearless Ranger - Jake premiers a very unique original radio play in which we follow the adventures of "The Fearless Ranger".

Katrina Survivor - In light of North Carolina's run-in with Hurricane Irene, Chris interviews a Hurricane Katrina survivor to get an idea of what she experienced in New Orleans.

Impromptu Musicians- Nick caught up with some students at NC State who spontaneously play their instruments around campus to find out more about what they do.

Reflection on Fall - Jake takes a minute to reflect on the coming of Autumn and both the personal and physical changes it brings.

American Muslims Reflect on 9/11 - Selma talks to local Muslims to find out what impact the events of 9/11/01 had on them.

Earthquake - In this segment, we discussed the earthquake that rattled the area last August.  In addition to capturing student reactions, we spoke to Dr. Karl Wegmann about the specific geological details surrounding the event and what we should be concerned about.

Election Soundbytes - When the Raleigh City elections came to town, we caught up with a few students to capture their elections-related feedback.

Pullen Park- Nick speaks with a Raleigh Parks and Recreation planner to get the specifics on what what changes were made to the Pullen Park amusement area that reopened this past Fall.

No Shave November-  If you noticed an increase in facial hair on some of our male students in November, that's probably because we were right in the middle of No Shave November.  Dave got the lowdown on what's going on.

Cub Scouts- The WKNC studio was host to some special visitors: a scout troop.  Chris has the story.

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