Sunday, July 18, 2010

Discover the answers to your deepest musical mysteries

Hey, viewers of the WKNC Blog! If you haven't noticed, we've started the polls back up again (look to the right side of the page you're reading right now). Us radio station workers are pretty ingenius people with a hand full of irresistibly awesome questions, but, alas, we aren't perfect. We can't think of all the great questions that need to be voted upon, and we can't peer into the souls of our listeners to find the questions they most deeply yearn to ask. We need your help! Do you have a great question in desperate need of results? A funny question? A dumb question? A sarcastic question? A life-altering question? As long as it's kept PG and has to do with WKNC radio, NCSU, or music in general, we want to make a poll about it! All you have to do is email me, The Blog Lady, at, and send me your questions ALONG WITH ANSWERS. You may have a great poll question, but without great answers, you've got diddly. The question needs a minimum of two answers and, depending on the question, maximum of ten to twelve answers. Need a little poll inspiration? Keep refreshing this page, and a different poll will show up on the right-hand side each time.

Thanks for helping make us the best radio station in the Triangle!

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