Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WKNC Show Picks for the Week

I'm DJ C'est La Bri, and here are my show picks for this week in the triangle. These are opinions and only reflect the preference of one DJ: Bri. Hope to see you all at the shows, support your local musicians, and thank goodness for the resurgence of warm weather! Only a short while until Hopscotch!


Thursday 4/25: WKNC presents LBLB with Virgins Family Band and Diali Cissohko at Tir Na Nog

Friday 4/26: Airstrip/Birds & Arrows at the Pinhook

Saturday 4/27: Fleshwounds/Wax Idols at the Pinhook

Saturday 4/27: The Snails/Lollipops at Kings Barcade

Sunday 4/28: Akron/family/Loamlands at Motorco

Sunday 4/28: HEYROCCO/Clockwork Kids at Local 506

Tuesday 4/30: Shabbazz Palaces at Kings Barcade

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