Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Maryland Deathfest

Maryland Deathfest, the self-proclaimed biggest American metal party of the year, is quickly creeping up! With tickets having been rapidly selling since the fest's lineup announcements last year, it is nearly impossible now to get tickets to any of the big events through the fest's official website. Tickets to the Thursday Sonar show (Bolt Thrower) and Friday's Soundstage show (Infest) are current in incredibly high demand.

Thursday has an extremely impressive line-up, featuring the almighty Bolt Thrower, who hardly comes to the United States as it is! Funeral doom gods Evoken are also set to play on Thursday - I'm personally especially excited to see them. Other notable acts are Japanese black-thrashers Abigail and U.S. doom lords Pallbearer. Friday features grindcore gods Repulsion, Benediction, and several other insane acts. Saturday and Sunday are also filled with incredible bands well worth seeing, such as Canada's war metal maniacs Revenge and U.K.'s Cruciamentum.

This is most definitely not an event to miss. Previous attendants of Maryland Deathfest will tell you how awesome the food is, how crazy the shows are, and how insane the record selection is. Prepare to bring hundreds of dollars for records alone!

As for the details on the fest, as many of you may already know, it begins Thursday, May 23rd, and ends Sunday, May 26th. This is a perfect start date for college students, such as myself, who have been slaving over schoolwork all year just to get their fix of summer metal fun!

The Infest reunion is going to be absolutely insane. I'll see you dudes in the mosh. I hope you all have your tickets!

Here is the link to the running order of all the shows: http://www.marylanddeathfest.com/runningorder.html


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