Thursday, October 25, 2012

Early Voting rocks Triangle

If you haven't been brought to your front door by the knocks of canvassers urging you to vote early yet... well, you may be the only one. But the efforts to encourage early voting here in the triangle have taken a more enjoyable turn, and a turn away from your front door.

This Friday, October 26, Durham's Central park will host a midday early voting rally. The rally will kick off at 11am and will feature three amazing acts and delicious soup to warm your heart and soul. Mac McCaughan (Superchunk, Portastatic), the triangle's own Spider Bags, and Titus Andronicus will all play to urge potential voters to get out and vote early. If you missed Spider Bags at Kings on September 20, let's just leave it at you don't want to miss these guys again.

Early voting kicked off in NC on October 18 and will continue until 5pm on November 3. NC State's own Talley Student Center is an early voting location this year, but there are 20 other locations through Wake and Orange counties housing early voting this year. To find your early voting location, check out the early voting websites for Wake and Orange counties. And don't forget -- even if you've forgotten to register to vote here in NC, you can still register AND vote in one stop at early voting.

Have your voice heard and get out to hear some awesome bands this election year!

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