Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's Hopscotch Day One!

And you should go see some bands.  If you want someone to pick those for you, here it is:


Phil Cook & His Feat at Fletcher Opera Theatre:  Phil Cook is awesome.  He plays in a band you've probably heard called Megafaun.  He played in a band with Justin Vernon before he started his Bon Iver project (read: DeYarmond Edison).  I've seen him do a granular synthesis set opening for the Field.  This show is gonna be awesome because it's your chance to see his great folk work in a theatre setting.  Hell yeah.


Feltbattery at the Hive:  If you're looking for some interesting local noise compositions, you couldn't go wrong with this set.


Deerhoof at Memorial Auditorium: Memorial Auditorium has really nice sound, and it'll be a great chance to catch the intricacies of Deerhoof's dense compositional framework.


Matthew E. White at Fletcher Opera Theatre:  White's debut album just recently came out, and it's already blowing up.  Plus, if you check out that Phil Cook set and are really enjoying the vibes at Fletcher, this one shouldn't be too far removed.  I think the plan is to get a bunch of talented musicians to work out the compositions to their fullest potential in a live setting.  This could be stellar.


Guardian Angel at White Collar Crime: Psych metal, heavy on the psych.  If that sounds like a "hell yes", then this one's a no-brainer.


Thee Oh Sees:  I saw Thee Oh Sees earlier this summer, and I'm skipping on other bands that I'd be totally stoked to see that I haven't (Julia Holter, Delicate Steve, Liars*).  That doesn't matter though, because IT'S THEE OH SEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks, hope this helps,


*I have seen Liars before, but it was a really long time ago.  Just added them in there for the purposes of letting you know they're playing tonight too.

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