Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hopscotch Day 2!!!

First off, last night was great.  I got to catch the tail end of Phil Cook's set, most of Young Magic, Deerhoof, and Thee Oh Sees.  They all were pretty interesting, and Thee Oh Sees absolutely killed.

Back to the matter at hand...tonight!

As with yesterdays post, here's some bands that I think would be really cool for you all to see:

ALL THE CITY PLAZA SHOWS:  You've got Nick Zammuto from the Books, Built to Spill and fucking Jesus & Mary Chain.  This one's a no-brainer.


Zack Mexico at CAM: I've heard rumors that there's going to be a synthesizer crucifixion...don't you wanna see that?!  Also, I was bit apprehensive about what the sound was going to be like at CAM, but last night showed me that was unwarranted.


Odonis Odonis at Lincoln:  The only context I know this band in is a split they did with Lotus Plaza (Lockett Pundt of Deerhoof), but that split is amazing so, I'm going to this one.


Hiss Golden Messenger at Fletcher: I got to see their release show for their most recent album in Chapel Hill earlier this year...and if they bring just a portion of what they brought to that, it's gonna be great.  It doesn't hurt that the sound at Fletcher is probably the best among all Hopscotch venues this year.


Yo La Tengo at Memorial Auditorium:  I haven't had a chance to see Yo La Tengo before, but I'm sure it's going to be stellar.  Hope they play something from Summer Sun, cause it's one of the only albums that's ever made me cry on multiple occasions.


Zola Jesus at Lincoln:  I've seen Zola Jesus about three times, and every single one she has amped up some aspect of her live show.  I'm excited to see what she brings to Hopscotch.


Ital at Five Star: Crazy psych beat-maker from DC, affiliated with the fantastic LA collective Not Not Fun.  While I've not been in the mood to see electronic stuff this weekend, for whatever reason, I'm making an exception here.


Dan Deacon at Pour House:  With the recent America, Dan Deacon is sure to bring it...if you're of legal drinking age.  Unfortunately


Have fun and stay safe,

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