Tuesday, February 28, 2012

EOT85 Smoking Ban 2/28/12

Smoking Ban Bill - Historically, tobacco has been one of the biggest cash crops here in the Tar Heel State.  From the Tobacco District in Durham to the American Tobacco Trail, it has played a large role in our history, including right here at N.C. State. Some student senators want to ban smoking on campus, so our contributor Andrew sat down with the senator that introduced this bill.

Disney Movies - Disney movies played a big role in shaping the childhoods of many of us here at EOT.  We discuss which ones are the best and belong in the top ten.

Greek Step Off - Greek life plays a prominent role on our campus.  Tomorrow night is the second annual Kappa Step Off presented by Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.  Here's Rebekah with the step master of Kappa Xi.

Torture in America - Torture has often been a hot button issue in American foreign policy over the past decade.  Deondre' Jones sat down with a representative of NC Stop Torture Now to discuss the state of torture in the world today.


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