Sunday, February 19, 2012

EOT83 Biochemistry of Love 2/14/12

Valentine's Day Soundbytes - Whether you love it or hate it, it seems everybody has an opinion on Valentine's Day.  New contributor Rebekah recently went out in search of what NC State students have on their minds.

Biochemistry of Love - We all know that love will drive you mad, but there is actually a whole science devoted to figuring out just why it is love makes people do the crazy things they do.  Here to shed some light on the science behind love is Mark.

10 Reasons Why It's Great to be Single - As Jake cites some reasons to be single, a lively discussion is held regarding love and life between the hosts and some contributors.

Political Identities - In today's heated political arena, it seems that everyone leans hard left or hard right, and for many, that's all that matters.  Deondre' thinks that maybe that's not all that matters.

Ron Paul - Ron Paul is a seen as a very controversial and divisive figure in GOP politics.  Many call him a fringe candidate, and don't believe he will be successful in his run fo rthe nomination.  Our new contributor Andrew, however, thinks we shouldn't count him out just yet.

Slaughterhouse Five - In an excerpt from his novel, Kurt Vonnegut reads about what war should be like in a more peaceful world.

Racing the Cure - Rebekah brings some information about this upcoming event, a local benefit concert featuring many local artists.

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