Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WKNC Interest Meetings!

Interested in becoming a DJ for WKNC this summer?  You might have heard about them here, in a previous blog post.

The time is upon us! You need only attend one meeting:

Wednesday June 29 in Cox 206 at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday June 30 in Riddick 321 at 5:30 p.m.

The meetings will be about an hour. After the meeting, you will receive a short packet that you  to fill out and turn in by Friday, July 1 at 5PM to the general manager's office (Witherspoon 345). By Monday July 4 at 5p.m., all who have been chosen (and not chosen) will be notified by e-mail. The training class begins July 5 and will be every Tuesday for 5 weeks from 5:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

If you can't make it to these times, do not fret, there will be another chance to become a DJ in the fall. Stay tuned to the blog,  facebook, and twitter.


  1. When do you suspect you will have meetings for the Fall for those of us who aren't fortunate enough to be there in the summer?

  2. Hailey,

    Our fall interest meetings will be August 17 and 18 at 6:30PM in Witherspoon 201 (need only attend one). If accepted, the classes will be Tuesdays nights at 6:30.

    Feel free to e-mail if you want some more information about getting involved.
