Monday, January 10, 2011

Organos Brings Complex Pop To Kings

It was a frigid night on Friday, but that didn't keep people from coming out to a great local bill happening at Kings.

Starting off the night were Soft Company. A local supergroup of sorts, with Missy Thangs of The Love Language serving as bandleader, backed by members of such defunct local acts as Lake Inferior and Violet Vector & The Lovely Lovelies, the band made their way through a set of mid-tempo songs  that brought to mind 70's AM radio and classic pop. The highlight of the set was a song midway through (that I didn't catch the name of) that slowly built to an epic couple minutes of wailing guitars and prolonged "oh"s from Thangs.

Taking a break between sets to play some pinball down in Neptunes, I came back up to find a curiously less full Kings. Josh Carpenter, who plays drums in Asheville band Floating Action, brought along his own set of original songs that brought to mind The Old Ceremony on a sugar rush. With a full album recorded and (hopefully) due out soon, he's definitely one to keep an eye on in the coming year.

Organos finally came on around midnight to perform one of the best sets by a local band I've seen in recent memory. Maria Albani, her bass, and a couple pals encircled a table covered in various percussive instruments and a glockenspiel, while Reid Johnson from Schooner and Nathan White from Nathan Oliver played  intertwining guitar runs and Ginger Wagg, of Veelee, provided the back beat. The set ran through all of Organos' debut, The Limbs EP, as well as several new songs. One of the best aspects of the show was how well the band played together. It'd be easy for the ramshackle songs on the EP to come across messy live, but the band performed them with an effortless grace that further revealed the subtleties and intricacies in the music. As a bonus, Albani's between-song banter rivaled that of Bradford Cox's in hilarity, making quips such as "this is our guitarist, Justin Bieber"(referring to White).

Overall, the warm tones found in the night's music served as the perfect counter to the icy winds blowing outside.

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