Monday, January 10, 2011

End your first week of the Semester right! January 13 LBLB

This week at Tir Na nOg we have two darling bands to delight us. WKNC is proud to present The Revolutionary Sweethearts of Raleigh and Crystal Bright & the Silver Hand of Greensboro. The show is FREE, 21 and up, and starts at 10 p.m.

The Revolutionary Sweethearts

I've seen this band twice... once on Thanksgiving with Felix the Drum Machine and again with The Loners. I must say I fell in love with these two the first time I heard them. The band "draws inspiration from indie-rock projects like Fugazi to singer-songwriters such as Neko Case. Filled with catchy melodies and curious harmonies, the music is simple yet dynamic... The Revolutionary Sweethearts continue to write and play music, and eagerly look forward to recording their first album in the upcoming year." (quote found on their Myspace page)

I will have the Revolutionary Sweethearts at the station on Thursday at 7 p.m. so be sure to tune in!  They promise some live music!

Crystal Bright & the Silver Hands

"Crystal Bright & the Silver Hands have a maddeningly eclectic sound. This band is truly difficult to put a label on. Depending on the song being played, one could describe them using a variety of descriptions ranging from circus nightmare theme to Spanish traditional song to experimental noise. The band is composed of Crystal Bright playing accordion, keyboard, saw, and whatever other little toy she decides to pick up (There’s one instrument that looks like a big hamburger that she hits with mallets.), Pete Lewis on the drums, Charles Kurtz on upright bass, and Diego Diaz on guitar, toothbrush, and electric lapsteel. Definitely a hell of a wall of sound. Crystal Bright is an amazing multi-instrumentalist Badass with the voice of a damn banshee." -Taylor Bays (before his badass joined the band)

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