Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simple "WKNC Sessions Live" Release Show

SimpleCDReleaseThis Friday, October 23, indie trio Simple will release their new EP titled "WKNC Sessions Live."  This is by no means a coincidence; we here at sessions@KNC recorded this very EP in the Caldwell Lounge back in May.

You should be pumped for a few reasons:

1. This thing rocks.

2. The show and CD are both FREE (but you'll probably get a little nod toward a donation fund).

3. The songs on the CD are slightly different from what you heard online; they've been mastered and sound even better!

The show is at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill Friday at 10 p.m.  You'll also see guest groups Nathan Oliver and Wild Wild Geese; two more bands with totally unique, cool sounds!

Also, Simple will be interviewed during The Local Beat on the same day at 5 p.m. on WKNC 88.1 FM.  Listen in!

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