Thursday, October 22, 2009

Corb Lund - As Interviewed by Sweet Annie Rich!

It's been quite a few weeks in coming, but Sweet Annie Rich has finally gotten her act together and cut the audio of her interview with Corb Lund on October 3.  Corb provided quite the interview with a lot of his back story and put on an entertaining show later that night at the Berkeley Cafe.

Corb Lund Interview Pt. 1

Corb Lund Interview Pt. 2


  1. Idle curiosity, but did he say what "Corb" is short for?

  2. He did not, though I should have asked!

  3. It may not be short for anything... mine isn't. I'm just always curious to see if there are other Corbies out there.

  4. Interesting interview. BTW, Corb is short for Corby.
