Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bonnaroo --> Hey Listeners It's Just Around the Corner!!!

That's right guys Bonnaroo is THIS WEEK!!  June 11th- June 14th!  Check out the Bonnaroo website because tickets are still on sale and the website has tons of cool stuff to help you prepare for a great Bonnaroo time like the Artist Lineup and Activities and Attractions!!

So, I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to see Phish, Wilco, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Snoop Dogg, Beastie Boys, Grizzly Bear, White Rabbits, Andrew Bird, TV on the Radio, Animal Collective, MGMT, and Girl Talk.

Bad news is it may be impossible to catch all the acts you are dying to see.  But, don't worry it is pretty much going to be a blast either way.

Ok, first step to go to Bonnaroo --> get a ticket somehow someway!

Next --> Look at the lineup and stages and make an estimated list of MUST SEEs.

Then --> Well get together with your Bonna Buds and make a Bonna Checklist.

HERE are some of the things I plan on taking! If you have any MUST SEE or Checklist Suggestions make sure to leave it in comment style on the blog!

*Tent and other camping equipment


*Non-perishable food





*Baby Wipes


*Camping Chair

*Walking Shoes

*Nalgene Bottle

*Rain Gear

*Bug Spray

*Portable Lantern



*Something to Shade the Campsite

*Toilet Paper


*And Whatever Else Will Make the Trip Complete

The Bonnaroo Website also has great lists to check out before you  make your trip!

The count down to Bonnaroo is ON! SO great ready everyone it's gonna be a crazy ride!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Who from WKNC is coming to Bonnaroo? Let us know where you'll be at on Thursday, we'd love to come meet our favorite radio personalities!
