Monday, November 24, 2008

Scott Avett's Artwork at the Envoy Gallery

Having some Avett Brothers withdrawal this time of the year?  Here is a nice remedy to curb that unwanted emptiness:

Scott Avett's artwork is now on display in an ongoing presentation at the Envoy Gallery in NYC.  The presentation is called "Sketches from the road, from home and from the life of a transient artist." Click to see these beautiful drawings here.

"While traveling constantly and moving as often as I do, I have learned that to occupy my time with learning and or creating is crucial to my well-being as an artist. It is important, like all things, that a balance is enforced and that I don't shut myself off entirely from my surroundings for there is so much to see around us. Never-the-less there are times where there is no way to turn but inward as well as there are times that the only way to grow or complete a task is to disappear and work. The drawings available through envoy gallery are products of that time disappearing. Each come from one of three scenarios, which are all, linked to my time with The Avett Brothers and our creative journey. One is self-portrait, my most loyal and accessible subject matter, second is the observational drawing which is a drawing of a person place or thing around me used as practice or just to kill time, and three are preliminary drawings that serve as research for the visual side of The Avett Brothers."                  -Scott Avett

And I must add, Scott Avett can certainly draw an excellent pair of testicles.

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