Sunday, November 30, 2008

Future Kings of Nowhere on Hiatus

Popular local act, Future Kings of Nowhere has just announced their plans to go on hiatus for the first couple months of 2009.   According to the Future Kings of Nowhere's myspace page, the band is taking time off due to the constant stress and workload that their touring required and to get their creative processes back in order.  Below is taken from their myspace blog:
After our last 4 shows in December, The Future Kings of Nowhere will be going on hiatus. We have played a ton of shows over the past few years and have had a ton of fun, but I'm frankly a bit worn out. I'm stunned when I look back at all of my life goals that I've already accomplished in this band; playing at CBGBs, getting reviewed in magazines, opening for one of my musical heroes (twice!), getting radio play all over the country, being able to use the band to help promote some good causes, going on some long tours. Not to mention the incredible thrill of connecting with an audience while you all sing along with our songs. On the flipside, we've spent a ridiculous amount of time and money pursuing this, and I've let that pursuit do some real damage to some important friendships. Somewhere in the last year or so, this whole thing turned from fun into serious work. Everything has become opportunity cost and promotion. I know that anything good takes effort, and I'm not scared of putting my back into my music, but I never wanted to be a businessman. I got into this because I loved playing music and when I sang these songs it felt like it was going to save my life. I feel like there is something that I've lost about what it means to really truly love what you're doing, and I need to take a little while to figure out what I forgot.

We'll still be around though. I'll still be playing drums with Resist Not, Mike will be playing washboard with Midtown Dickens, and Jon will still be playing the coffee machine at 3 Cups. Thank you all...from the bottom of our hearts...for buying our albums and coming to our shows and singing along and telling your friends and giving us couches to sleep on and meals to eat while we were on the road. And hopefully, in a few months we'll be rested and ready to go again.

Shayne, Mike and Jon


Hopfully, this break is only a temporary one, and FKoN comes back even stronger than before.  In the meantime, their last four shows for 2008 might be the last for awhile, so be sure to check them out:

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