Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DJ Elly May interviews Delta Rae!

East Coast touring mavens Delta Rae stopped by the WKNC studio on the morning of Tuesday, March 1 to chat with DJ Elly May.  They talked about what it's like to be on the road, their "GRAET Mondays" campaign, upcoming shows and the story behind their song "Ooh, Caroline."  Delta Rae also performed "Ooh, Caroline" and "Bottom of the River."  Listen to the full interview and performance below.

Delta Rae Interview

1 comment:

  1. Great "background" interview--enjoyed hearing the internal rapport the band has. Too bad about the engineering problem with the recorded track...

    "Soul pop rock country" doesn't even begin to cover DR's genre range(wasn't the last song almost soul gospel?)--nice try, though!
