Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Turbo Fruits’ Jonas Stein Chats It Up With Elly May

Jonas Stein of Turbo Fruits called in this morning and took some time to tell me what the band's been up to and what's coming up in the future.  There were some technical difficulties in trying to get the phone interview set up correctly, but Jonas was gracious and patient enough to stick around. He announced that the band will be producing a series of 7" vinyl (and digital) collector's singles over the next year on their Turbo Time label. At the end of the series, they'll be releasing a full-length album of the singles. He also talked about the Bruise Cruise Festival the band will be playing in February. It's a  three day Caribbean cruise with a fantastic lineup of garage rock bands including Turbo Fruits, Black Lips, Vivian Girls, The Strange Boys, and more.


We also discussed more general topics such as whether Jonas felt that being based in Nashville had affected the band's sound. He said it was more about the environment (people, places, outdoors, etc.) than the city specifically itself, but he did say "if we were from California, we probably wouldn't sound the way we do." About touring, Jonas said it was "like going to war in a time of peace." I also asked whether there was a back-story for the unique video for "Naked With You." Apparently, it involved hunting down an unknown cute girl in Chicago at the last minute and her being willing to make a sexy but strange music video. I'd say it worked for the best.

Turbo Fruits will be playing tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8 at Local 506 in Chapel Hill.

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