Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sessions@KNC: Billy Sugarfix

Photo by Matt Moore

Amidst final exams, campus is silent.  It's freezing too.  Billy Sugarfix voyaged out to NC State's Caldwell Lounge early in December, accompanied by fellow musicians Sarah (shakers, vocals) and Justin (viola, vocals).  The trio graced us with a few adapted songs from Billy Sugarfix's "Summer Tempests" as well as some new material.  As usual, you can listen and download the live tracks right here!

Billy Sugarfix's next two shows are on Saturday, March 13 at The Evening Muse in Charlotte, and Saturday, March 20th at Nightlight in Chapel Hill.  Check the live tunes below!

Hearing Myself.mp3

Gunpowder Green.mp3

Bright was my Sweetheart.mp3

All the King's Horses.mp3

Humming Your Questions.mp3

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