Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Looking ahead to album releases in 2010

After looking back to the top 10 local albums of 2009 we have a whole new year and decade ahead of us.  Here is a quick blog of some local bands who are rumored to be coming out with an album in 2010:

  • Bellafea plans to begin the recording process in June after just signing to Tizona.

  • Billy Sugarfix will release his Sessions @ KNC album January 9.

  • The Carolina Chocolate Drops are releasing the much awaited "Genuine Negro Jig," on Feb. 23 through Nonesuch.

  • Felix Obelix will finally put out the long awaited The Tick of
    the Clock, the Beat in the Chest
    in late February.

  • Front Porch Sofa is working in the studio right now for a summer release.

  • Lost in the Trees has been rumored to release new material in the fall.

  • Mount Moriah is currently recording a new album set to be released by Tizona.

  • Organos has its debut album set to be released in early February.

  • Schooner is getting ready for a release in mid-February.

  • Veelee has plans on releasing another short EP (they just ran out of hard copies of their Three Sides EP)

  • The Whiskey Smugglers already have a new album in the works and plan to record in 2010.

Obviously this is not all of them, but as many as I could muster.  Got any more to add?  Comment below or shoot me an email: localmusic@wknc.org.


  1. North Elementary plan to release a full length by the Fall of 2010.

  2. A Rooster for the Masses plan to release a full length by the end of 2010.

  3. Gray Young are currently mixing a new album.
