Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fridays on the Lawn Round 2: Success!

After taking shelter from the rain for the first Fridays on the Lawn back in September, many KNCers were concerned when they saw some ominous gray clouds in the sky late Friday afternoon. The stage, lights, and extra pizza were all ready, however one question remained: would students come out for the event? One of the benefits of Harris Field is its centrality to student life on campus. The grassy lot by Witherspoon Student Center serves as a visible hub, perfect for catching the unaware passerby headed out for early Halloween festivities. While the event was open to the public, the WKNC staff wanted to tap more into its student population at N.C. State. In order to generate interest, fliers were posted everywhere on campus, D.H. Hill Library e-boards and dining halls displayed posters for the event. WKNC staff even requested time to speak in front of their classes to publicize the concert series.

KNC deejays campaiging for Fridays on the Lawn at NC State's free expression tunnel

Graffiti Piece done by Saul Flores

Max Indian and Schooner certainly did draw a noteworthy crowd. This is evident because students stuck around even after the free pizza and t-shirts were long gone. Mike Alston, WKNC's General Manager, mentioned that  "UAB, IRC, Student Government, and WKNC are all supported by student fee money, so we felt it important to do something free and big for the students who help pay our bills.  Ultimately, we just want it to be a fun time for everyone involved while helping expose some great local music to otherwise unaware students."


WKNC expects to see even more students at the final hip hop based installment of the concert series November 20th, featuring Kooley High and The Beast. This show, however, will not be taking place on the lawn, but instead will be hosted in Wolves Den underneath Talley Student Center. Needless to say, many hope that Fridays on the Lawn will become a staple for the Wolfpack community.

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