Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sessions@KNC? Yeah, we're back.

So we're officially back up and running, with one new session under our belt.

On Sunday, May 3, Mikey P, Mike Gray, and Eric (myself) met up with Simple, the aptly named minimalist band from Carrboro, NC, outside Caldwell Hall on campus.  Although it took a while to reason our way into the building, the superior sonic characteristics of Caldwell Lounge would help make this session a fun one. We set up a bunch of microphones and hit the big red button as the band hammered out a short, simple and solid set.

I recently got word from Chip, the band's guitarist and lead vocalist, that they plan on releasing five of the tracks late this summer as a live limited-release EP with fancy hand-painted covers or something artsy like that. Sounds awesome to me! So, if you're lucky enough to catch Simple at a show late this summer, look out for their release of these songs.  Their next performance is at Nightlight in Chapel Hill on June 5th at 10 PM.

Below you can check out one of my favorite songs from the session: "The Conversation."  It has a unique, ambitious, and more rockin' feel; you'll see what I mean if you've heard the rest of Simple's music.

The Conversation

And lastly, here are the other four tracks for FREE download!  Each song is zipped.

Signs in the Sky


Take My Hand


1 comment:

  1. [...] sessions@KNC series. Recently these have come few and far between — the last was May 3 with Simple — but they’ve launched into the school year with one of my personal [...]
