Monday, April 6, 2009

Shakori Hills: Band Interviews & Ticket Giveaways (all this week)

Break out your chain belts, leather vests, and peace symbols and join WKNC at the Shakori Hills Grassroots music festival on Saturday April 18th. We'll be broadcasting live all day and to celebrate, we're giving away 5 pairs of day passes for the festival this week. Make sure to tune in for your chances to win and don't forget to check out the live interviews with some of the performing bands.


The Line Up:

Wednesday April 8th, DJ Chuck will be kickin' it with Holy Ghost Tent Revivial from 1-3pm

Monday April 13th, DJ Special K will be hanging with the guys from Butterflies from 4-5pm

Interviews with Lost in the Trees, New Familars, and The Old Ceremony are TBA

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