Thursday, February 19, 2009

DJ Stevo's last show this Friday

Well, as you might have heard, I'll be hanging up the headphones shortly, but not without one final, epic edition of the Local Beat this Friday, starting at 6PM, after NC State Baseball.

We'll be interviewing The Old Ceremony, hanging out with members of our local music scene, and spinning some of my favorite music from the past four years, including at least one Genesis track.

After Friday, stay tuned, as DJ Mick will be taking over the reins, and if you've ever heard his Local Lunch shifts, you'll no doubt be prepared for the inevitable onslaught of kickass rock'n'roll.  As for me, it's been a real privilege to be your DJ, and if you see me at a local rock show, be sure to come by and say hello.


  1. Stevo!!! I've enjoyed your show especially when you do Carolina classics like Let's Active and The dB's. Thanks for paying respects to your elders and good luck in the afterlife.

  2. Stevo, what time is your show starting?

  3. Good on ya, Steve-O. I've really enjoyed your support /enthusiasm for the local music scene. Glad the station is behind your efforts.

  4. God damn it, man, WKNC will not be the same without you.
