Friday, December 7, 2012

EOT110 Human Trafficking 11/27/12

Nubian Message is the premier African American student newspaper here at NC State. And this year, it turns twenty! Jake recently sat down with the newspaper’s editor Kierra Leggett to discuss the newspaper’s history and future.

It’s always important to promote local music, and WKNC is particularly good at that. This week, Grant Buckner spoke with the local band, Eagledown.

Modern slavery is a topic that perhaps many don’t dwell on too often, but it is a problem. And not just abroad. If you know what to look for, you can sometimes find slavery right here in North Carolina. Gene Zhirnov has more.

We're at the height of flu season right now, and  as is often the case with large groups of people spending lots of time near each other, it can often be easy to get sick, and getting over an illness is not fun, as Deondre’ can attest to. It got him thinking, how can one safeguard against getting sick, or what should you do if you fall ill? With exams around the corner, that’s the last thing anybody needs.

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