Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mystery Roach Celebrates Five Years

On Saturday, Nov. 17, Mystery Roach will be celebrating its 5th anniversary. The show began on Nov. 17, 2007 as a study of 1960s and 1970s Progressive, Garage, Fusion, Psychedelic, and noise on Saturday mornings. mystery roach As the things evolved, guests became a part of the show.  I've welcomed an eclectic mix of  interesting people from around NCSU's campus and the Triangle over the past 5 years. We've had conversations about beer, insects, bee keeping, educational films, movie soundtracks, ultra-cold neutrons, the suburbs, the roots of punk music, the Mellotron, roller derby, fungus, hot peppers, comic books, oysters, citizen science, censorship, and more. Frank Stasio has even stopped by as part of his parole agreement.

I will be celebrating the 5th anniversary quietly.  No guests in the studio.  I'll play some of my favorite songs from over the years and read some emails.  Be a part of the show by calling the Mystery Roach Hotline (919-322-8863), posting on the Facebook Fan Page, or sending an email. What do you like about the show? What do you hate about it? What do you do whilst listening to the show? Is it part of your Saturday ritual? Do you have ideas for themes or guests?  Have you noticed any trends over the years?

Thanks for listening. I'm still amazed when I meet excited fans around town.

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