Friday, April 20, 2012

Redress Raleigh tonight, 4/20

One of the awesome perks of working at 88.1 is all the cool things we are exposed to. Tonight I get the opportunity to see Redress Raleigh from the first row! It's a sold-out fashion show being held at the Contemporary Art Museum (CAM) in downtown Raleigh.

The show isn't just about skinny women walking down a cat walk, no, this show highlights local designers of both clothing and jewelry who are eco-friendly. Together, the 10 designers are showing that there is such thing as "sustainable fashion" and what the future has in store for it.

The items being showcased range from necklaces made out of driftwood and metal to recycled men's shirts redesigned for the feminine form. All of the garments and jewelry emphasize eco-friendly or recycled materials. They want mainstream clothing to be more aware of their social and environmental decisions, and prove that eco-fashion isn't unattainable.

With less that nine hours to go, I'm pumped to see what sustainable fashion is really all about, especially on the local level. The staff of Redress Raleigh should be proud of this awesome event that they are putting on tonight.

Check out their website for more information on Redress Raleigh 2012.

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