Monday, January 23, 2012

Friendly Fires channeling "The Shining" for third album

It hasn't taken too long for the boys from England to start working on their next album. The follow-up to last year's Pala has already begun, and the trio is looking for inspiration in different places.

Friendly Fires is channeling the atmosphere of Stanley Kubrick's classic The Shining for their next album.  In a recent interview with 6Music, guitarist Edd Gibson stated, "I think we are trying to force on an element of the film The Shining, or the book The Shining, as a cultured gentleman who reads and doesn't just watch films… We're trying to alienate ourselves into a world of music alone and see what we come up with."

The group is changing their location to Sweden, where a log cabin will provide a setting all too familiar among the musicians. Although their time will be short-lived, as their stay will be under two weeks, the group is trying to make the most of their time in their frozen living quarters.

What could this all possibly mean for the group? They won't be trying to pull off any Bon Iver tricks any time soon, and any attempts to do so will be interesting. Despite the implication of channeling The Shining I highly doubt their next release would be able to pull off a longer, slow-paced sound. Hopefully, the next album won't leave us wanting to murder our families. Additionally, listening to it won't be able to make us communicate with each other telepathically (unfortunately). If the band can develop the telepathy The Shining gives its name to, the band will be able to craft an album more refreshing than Pala and if lucky, one better than their debut as well.

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